Posted on May 26, 2015
What are you seeing as being the most difficult obstacle for employment after service to our country?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Figuring out what I want to do? They will not pay me to play Army any more? :(
LTC (Join to see)
Brad, I know that trying to figure out where we best fit in, in the Civilian sector is a challenge. Did you get a chance to take advantage of some those personality profile tests offered in ACAP? Do you have your profile set-up on Professional Networking sites? Please let me know how I can help! Thank you so much for your service MSG Sand!
Employers not understanding what veterans have to offer them and battling age discrimination.
LTC (Join to see)
The Experience misunderstanding is truly a challenge. Sometimes it's required to start out a bit lower on the totem pole initially to show your potential employer your level of understanding. Please ensure you're doing your homework as well and doing your best to connect with someone within the organization to gain a better understanding of what the future looks like. Remember... Your interviewing the organization as well. The more educated you are the better off the interview should go. Keep working hard and let me know what I can do to help MSgt Roger Younce!
I have a problem interpreting my military skills andd achievements and education to civilian skills. I think a lot of civilian employers don't understand how in depth and comprehensive our leadership training truely is.
LTC (Join to see)
Robert, I truly understand what you're saying. Please reach out to me and let me know how I can help! It can be difficult to break down what you have done and put it in Civilian terms. As you can see you have a lot of support here on RallyPoint! What a great tool this is to help each other grow professionally. We can all use some help.. I know I sure did. I was very fortunate to find some AWESOME Mentors right away. Primaily because I looked for them and work hard at selling to them how there help would be mutually beneficial!
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