Putin has taken over in the Mideast as he exerts his power
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I think the answer to that question is simple:
Wait for his term to be up.
Do the minimum possible until then.
"The middle east is an intractable quagmire, and it is all Bush's fault, and...
Mass shooting in Oregon renews call to repeal the second amendment.
Wait for his term to be up.
Do the minimum possible until then.
"The middle east is an intractable quagmire, and it is all Bush's fault, and...
Mass shooting in Oregon renews call to repeal the second amendment.
For those who aren't aware - you can educate yourself on the U.S. foreign policy and what the CiC's intent and end state is by reading the National Security Strategy ( https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/2015_national_security_strategy.pdf ) - which "normally" gets updated every 2 years or so.
In regards to President Putin - he's asserting his influence within the region for various reasons, one being Syria's strategically located sea port (this is just my opinion). In regards to President Obama, he's staying on course with his "minimum troops" on ground mantra - although, it's becoming unavoidable at this point, as we ramp up the #s in Iraq and surrounding areas. Whomever wins the presidency next will have a few decisions to make - some very difficult decisions.
One could make the argument that by allowing Pres. Putin to begin offensive strikes in Syria, and the U.S. doing so in Iraq - the two countries are inadvertently (or purposely) working together to put the "squeeze" on ISIL/S. Again, the aforementioned is just my opinion, as I'm not involved with theater level strategic planning - but I do like to stay abreast of the updated NSS.
In regards to President Putin - he's asserting his influence within the region for various reasons, one being Syria's strategically located sea port (this is just my opinion). In regards to President Obama, he's staying on course with his "minimum troops" on ground mantra - although, it's becoming unavoidable at this point, as we ramp up the #s in Iraq and surrounding areas. Whomever wins the presidency next will have a few decisions to make - some very difficult decisions.
One could make the argument that by allowing Pres. Putin to begin offensive strikes in Syria, and the U.S. doing so in Iraq - the two countries are inadvertently (or purposely) working together to put the "squeeze" on ISIL/S. Again, the aforementioned is just my opinion, as I'm not involved with theater level strategic planning - but I do like to stay abreast of the updated NSS.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Thanx Sir.. Obama's speech to the UN Assembly is hard to understand. And if Obama r can be a World Leader for the Middle East Conflicts. Obama seemed to be very upset with Putin stepping into the vacuum which he created with his lack of knowledge about that area of the world..
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