Posted on Jul 25, 2018
What is some general information about 8th Army Support Element?
I am on Orders for 8th Army Mission support Element, and have no idea what that unit entails, I have never been in a TDA unit. I am an Electronic Warfare NCO and curious what their job is in that unit. I did look up the personnel allocation for them, and did not see a spot for EW. But any info anyone can provide about the EW role or the unit in general, I would be very grateful!
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Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5

What is it' The Mission Support Element (MSE) is a Generating Force Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) organization assigned to U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) and attached to a Corps or Division commander designated as senior commander (S...
SSG (Join to see)
Ya I have, just didn't see the 29E/17E slot in the FMSweb site. So I wasn't sure what I am assigned too. The UIC is 8TH Army MSE, but not EW slot shown.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SSG (Join to see) Bear in mind an MSE is likely to have subordinate, disparately located detachments..
SSG (Join to see)
That's what I am thinking. Guess I'll just be patient and wait to see what happens. I just like to have my ducks in a row prior to going. Over all I am excited.
SFC (Join to see)
Also remember 17E is getting pushed to places is previously wasn’t so you may be one of the first of your MOS in that position
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