Posted on Mar 5, 2020
What is the best way to regain rank so that I can reup?
I am looking at joining the guard after being active. I got in trouble a few months before I ets'Ed. I got busted down from e-4 to e-1. I completed my Art 15. What is the best way to regain rank? Would I have to go back to basic? Best 3/28/2009. Or could I get a waiver? Was also in Iraq from Jan 07 to Mar 08.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 7
Your service break is long enough you'll have to go through basic again. Check the RE-code on your DD-214 if it is a 4, you're not getting back in period. Once you've gotten back in try for a 600 on the ACFT, volunteer for every school you can, and just be the best Soldier you can be. For promotion purposes it is also advantageous to pursue a bachelors degree.
SSG Darrell Peters
not exactly true an RE of 4 you are highly unlikely to get back in. Not impossible. I know a person who had an RE 4 from active duty and did join the National Guard. It took a Major General to sign off on the waiver. it can happen but rare.
I don't know anything about RE codes but I enlisted in the ANG after a 10 year break in service from a Regular Army tour and did not have to repeat basic and kept the rank I held when I ETS'd. Which proves they can pretty much waiver anything they want. My local unit CDR recruited me and wanted me pretty bad, pulled the right strings I guess. If you find a unit you would like to join, talk to the CDR.
The best advice I can give you is take your DD214 to a Recruiter and have them look it over. RE 1 no problem, RE 2 not a problem but may require a little more paper work. RE 3 you are not getting back in with out a Waiver RE 4 Very unlikely they will let you back in to my knowledge requires a waiver of a two star general. An Article 15 and loosing Rank in and of it's self is not a disqualifier. If you just screwed up one time and learned your lesson that is taken into account. So have a National Guard Recruiter go over your Discharge paper work they can best tell you the path you will have to go down.
Another thing is if you were assigned to the IRR at discharge then you should not have to go through basic again. When You have a break in service and a few years pass then Basic is required. Again See a Recruiter and they can tell you what you need to know.
Another thing is if you were assigned to the IRR at discharge then you should not have to go through basic again. When You have a break in service and a few years pass then Basic is required. Again See a Recruiter and they can tell you what you need to know.
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