Posted on Oct 20, 2022

What is the correct way to go about pressuring command to put me in for schools?
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I am a e-4 close to reaching rcp. I am 150 points away from rank cut off. One of my biggest deficits is military schooling. I have been begging command since July to put me in for any schools. They haven't done it once.
I am not flagged, never got a negative counciling, have a passing pt test on record, and no profile. I have been told by a civilian ops they have presented over 7 schools fully funded and lodged on multiple occasions to commander and she refuses to sign anything with no explanation. Any time I ask about it, I get the "we are working on it". I have even offered to take leave to block our the schedule and do schools on my own time. We are fully staffed and they don't hesitate to send us to non-promotional taskers
I don't want to go to ig if can help it (partly because unit is vindictive and partly because I have no written evidence to present) but I am also not wanting to get forced out because my commander is denying things under the table. So, what is the best way to create a written trail that can be used if I do have to force hands and threaten to report. My Sgt claims to still be putting in for schools but never mentioned the rejections or given any feedback as to why or what the unit wants
I am not flagged, never got a negative counciling, have a passing pt test on record, and no profile. I have been told by a civilian ops they have presented over 7 schools fully funded and lodged on multiple occasions to commander and she refuses to sign anything with no explanation. Any time I ask about it, I get the "we are working on it". I have even offered to take leave to block our the schedule and do schools on my own time. We are fully staffed and they don't hesitate to send us to non-promotional taskers
I don't want to go to ig if can help it (partly because unit is vindictive and partly because I have no written evidence to present) but I am also not wanting to get forced out because my commander is denying things under the table. So, what is the best way to create a written trail that can be used if I do have to force hands and threaten to report. My Sgt claims to still be putting in for schools but never mentioned the rejections or given any feedback as to why or what the unit wants
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
If you change your question from "go about pressuring command" to "go about convincing command" then I can give you advice. Frankly, you're not going to do anything that 'pressures' command to send you to school.
You can go to the IG if you want. I'll dispel something you've probably been told by barracks lawyers though. An IG can't force a commander to do anything. The IG can make a recommendation to the commander, but unless there is illegal activity going on (and if there is, he can do the same thing anyone else can and report it to the authorities) there is nothing else they can do as they have no command authority.
You mentioned that the commander isn't approving any schools, so this doesn't sound like it is something that is signaling you out. Sounds like there might be something greater there.
If that's not accurate and others are going to school but not you, you'll need to have a honest conversation with yourself about 'why them and not me'. Are you absolutely sure that the paragon picture you're alluding to is accurate or are there blemishes in your record. Frankly speaking, I question that picture when you stated you're approaching your RCP (8 years) as an E-4.
While you might like an explanation on why something isn't going your way, you'll get nowhere with the attitude that you are entitled to an explanation from your commander. For all you know they have other factors that are impacting on their decisions.
Your best bet is to talk to your senior NCO leadership and see if they can put in a good word for you. They might even be able to ascertain a reason why you might not be getting what you are asking.
You could always go for alternate solutions as well instead of trying to fight the problem. Since you're trying to get school for promotion points, have you bothered to look at the ones that you don't need your unit's approval to enroll in?
There are MANY different online courses that will give you promotion points as well as probably courses there on posts after hours (check with your education center) if you're looking for stuff in-person. You can earn up to 260 points (I believe that is still the figure) through military education and many of the course through eLearning, JKO and others will fit that category.
You can go to the IG if you want. I'll dispel something you've probably been told by barracks lawyers though. An IG can't force a commander to do anything. The IG can make a recommendation to the commander, but unless there is illegal activity going on (and if there is, he can do the same thing anyone else can and report it to the authorities) there is nothing else they can do as they have no command authority.
You mentioned that the commander isn't approving any schools, so this doesn't sound like it is something that is signaling you out. Sounds like there might be something greater there.
If that's not accurate and others are going to school but not you, you'll need to have a honest conversation with yourself about 'why them and not me'. Are you absolutely sure that the paragon picture you're alluding to is accurate or are there blemishes in your record. Frankly speaking, I question that picture when you stated you're approaching your RCP (8 years) as an E-4.
While you might like an explanation on why something isn't going your way, you'll get nowhere with the attitude that you are entitled to an explanation from your commander. For all you know they have other factors that are impacting on their decisions.
Your best bet is to talk to your senior NCO leadership and see if they can put in a good word for you. They might even be able to ascertain a reason why you might not be getting what you are asking.
You could always go for alternate solutions as well instead of trying to fight the problem. Since you're trying to get school for promotion points, have you bothered to look at the ones that you don't need your unit's approval to enroll in?
There are MANY different online courses that will give you promotion points as well as probably courses there on posts after hours (check with your education center) if you're looking for stuff in-person. You can earn up to 260 points (I believe that is still the figure) through military education and many of the course through eLearning, JKO and others will fit that category.
Use the open door policy with 1st Sgt/CSM.
I also recommend having having an honest look at everything and double check that you don’t have anything missing or anything you can improve on. Is your Physical fitness score maxed? Can you get a higher score? Are you PME complete? Do you have education done? Do you have any documented public service or volunteer work?
There is always something else you can do.
I’d warn against doing an IG complaint because with this little information/proof it will blow up in your face.
I also recommend having having an honest look at everything and double check that you don’t have anything missing or anything you can improve on. Is your Physical fitness score maxed? Can you get a higher score? Are you PME complete? Do you have education done? Do you have any documented public service or volunteer work?
There is always something else you can do.
I’d warn against doing an IG complaint because with this little information/proof it will blow up in your face.
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I don’t know what’s available local to you and if they might be available after hours (you'll have to check each course though ATRRS). I had a number of course at my last post that were taught 12 hours a week in the evening.
Not the best, but if they are local and you can get into them, then you’ll not need your command’s approval to attend.
However, you noted that you were 150 points short of the cutoff before and that the cut-off for your MOS is in the "high 600s". I assume that means you are sitting at the "low 500s" right now.
If so, then you'll have to make up the points elsewhere as well. You stated you've "done everything in my power to get points". Does this include maxing weapons qualification and APFT? I would assume not because otherwise you'd be sitting at mid-high 600s from the 330 points you get from maxed awards, civilian education, and distance learning.