Posted on Dec 2, 2018
What is the most deployed MOS in the Army and why?
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Just curious if anyone knows which MOS is the most deployed and why that one is?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 9
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CPO (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) - Sorry but I received danger pay in Colombia and the only troops there were Engineers and yes Aviation and the JSOTF guys that were all SOF. We carried side arms, same in Nicaragua and Honduras with Task Force Gulf Bravo. You have to have locked on force Protection in all of those places same with AFRICOM, those are deployments. You say CA/HA does not count but it does in SECDEV eyes they called Border a Deployment, just putting that out there. Also same surges and draw down you need almost as many Engineers and actually more if you use the 4-1 math Support per Combat troops. I didn't see the Army question, but Navy deploys all the time no matter what you call it Combat non Combat, Combat Service Support what ever. This is why we receive Deployment Ribbons.
Suspended Profile
Very interesting stuff! Thanks for sharing!CPO (Join to see)
CPT Lawrence Cable
SFC (Join to see) - I guess I have to point out that most of the Civil Action Programs for Army Engineers tended to be in "Sensitive" areas like Honduras during the Contra era and often were being done to support the local governments access to the population base in areas of guerrilla activity and/or Cartel activity. A lot of the roads built in Honduras went suspiciously close to the Guatemalan border and those in Bolivia into the Cocaine areas.
MSG Don H.
I guess it depends how to measure the answer but if you say one soldier vs another, I would say SOF and MI top the list. I infantry guys with similar TIS that have one maybe two deployments while I am head out on my five later this year since reclassing to MI in 20002.
#1. Any SOF and that includes EOD, even though Navy is the only one that classifies them as SOF. You could probably add intel in with SOF as Joint Task Forces, along with SOF is PSYOPS AND CA Civil Affairs.
#2 is close but Engineers and I know the 11B people will be mad, but they are all over the world doing CA/HA and Combat Support, 11B's are not, just two main areas.
#3 Infantry 11B, and O300's
#4 Aviation.
#5 This would be a mix of Logistics and MP's and that also means Navy MA's, they work on Navy Riverine.
Then if your Talking branch
Army and Marines
CG is stateside but they work their butts off.
#2 is close but Engineers and I know the 11B people will be mad, but they are all over the world doing CA/HA and Combat Support, 11B's are not, just two main areas.
#3 Infantry 11B, and O300's
#4 Aviation.
#5 This would be a mix of Logistics and MP's and that also means Navy MA's, they work on Navy Riverine.
Then if your Talking branch
Army and Marines
CG is stateside but they work their butts off.
Suspended Profile
Awesome response to my question CPO (Join to see) all your points make sense. I like hearing everyone’s responses.
SGT (Join to see)
CPO (Join to see) respectfully, you overlooked MI. On your list, it should be #1, or no worse than #1b.
CPO (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) - Sorry I thought I counted them with SOF as number one They do deploy anywhere SOF is or Regular Infantry they are there. They are part of what Admiral Mike Mullen paid us a visit on Deployment 2004 before he was Joint
SGT (Join to see)
CPO (Join to see) - no worries. While I appreciate being grouped in with SOF, I’m no more Special than some of them are Intelligent.
All kidding aside, one time in Kandahar, I was talking to an 18F about some ongoing insurgent nonsense. About 5 minutes into it, he stopped me and actually asked, “hold on, what’s a Quetta?” It took me a few seconds to realize that he wasn’t joking. It was just a reminder that SF are people, too; not superheroes.
All kidding aside, one time in Kandahar, I was talking to an 18F about some ongoing insurgent nonsense. About 5 minutes into it, he stopped me and actually asked, “hold on, what’s a Quetta?” It took me a few seconds to realize that he wasn’t joking. It was just a reminder that SF are people, too; not superheroes.
In the Army without a doubt, it has to be Special Forces. My brother-in-law (when he was on Active Duty) was SF and he'd be gone 6 month, back for 6 months & so on & so on... I'm sure there are others as well that have a high OPTEMPO. Very hard on the family life...
LTC (Join to see)
I've been trying to deploy again since 2010- no luck yet! Not with the right units I guess.. :)
Suspended Profile
Thanks for the info! On constant rotation would be rough
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