Posted on Mar 22, 2018
Conner Fleury
Many of you kept telling me to contact my recruiter about questions reguarding the reserves and such. I went on to the usmc website a little while ago and filled out all the info for them to contact me. Well he did. At about 10:00 at night one night. He asked me some question to pass his quailifaction first. I was fine up until he asked me about an Epi pen. He asked if I own one I said yes. Right when i said that he said it was an automatic disqualifaction and said i needed to get cleared by a doctor first. I tried to explain to him that it was only for my allergy shots but he wasnt really in the mood for chit chat. So 3 or so weeks later at the gym. He then calls me again. Says that he cant remeber where we left the convo at. I gave him a run down of what we talked about. Then explained my situation a little bit better to him. I explained that once a month a do allergy shots. Nothing crazy just for hey fever and such. And that the only reason why I needed the Epi pen was so I could get the shots. They are required for insurance reasons to require all patients to have one. Just in case you have an allergic reaction during the 30 min wait. He then said he would have to talk to his gunny and said that i had a very unique situation. He text me back 10 or so min later saying that his gunny needs a note from my doctor clearing me that i dont need the Epi pen and that it is only for insurance reasons. And that the shots arent basically something i rely on to live and that it is in deed only for hey fever and some minor allergys. Which really pisses me off because all I want is a few questions answered and set up to approach my parents about the whole thing. Im not looking to go until next winter. Prob somewhere around Nov or Oct 2018. Just wana make sure i give myself plenty of time to figure things out and be able to have more options when it comes to picking my ship out date and such. So the question is whats next. I pass his qualifaction then what? I ask him what i want and then i get to think about it and figure things out? Or is he gona try and push MEPS and other things on me. Anyone have any tips for me so that I dont end up getting in up to my ass with no way out. Im worried hes gona try to get me to commit to something that day. Like I said i just want a few questions answered. If i think its something that I can pull off and want for presue then ill take the next step. Im thinking that I need to have a final decesion by mid to late summer. No later then early fall if i want to get my ship out date for basic and such. What do you guys think? Is it a long ass sighn your life away process that requires screening and background checks. Or is it a sighn here and here and welcome aboard. Oh yea before he hung up the second time on the phone he asked if i could meet with him for 2hrs or so one day. WTF 2hrs. Why so long? What kinda stuff is he gona be doing or asking me thats gona take 2hrs long.
Posted in these groups: Db9b185b USMC Recruiting School
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Responses: 2
SGM Bill Frazer
Look he is about to spend a lot of time with you and for you, and time is money. He needs to find out if you even have a chance in hell of signing up, before testing. He has to run medical records, background check, educational check and tons of other stuff. You have two choices- do it in hopes of being accepted in or shut up and tell him you are not interested.
Conner Fleury
Conner Fleury
>1 y
Thankyou for your response. Pretty much what i was thinking. Only problem is that I dont know what im going todo until i have some questions answered. If i like what i here and think i can make it work i will sighn up. If not them im out. Is that what he does for the two hours is goes through medical records back ground check and such.
Conner Fleury
Conner Fleury
>1 y
Also heard the process verys weither or not if the country is in times of war or not. Like after 9/11 everyone online says basically if you had two arms and two legs and you wanted to join they would take you just in order to get bodys. Seems pretty true since now its basically peace time and the war is pretty much over. So they make the process a little harder and such since they dont really need people. Some people online said that a recruiter is ment to deter you from enlisting. And that they could fail you for such things as to much ear wax, hang nails, or even the attiude that you were giving the recruiter when he asks you a question. I would have never guess that it would be a process this extreme.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Conner Fleury Do as much research as you can in order to make up a good set of question that you have. Then go meet with him to have your questions answered.
Conner Fleury
Conner Fleury
>1 y
Thankyou for your response. You think Id look like a tool if i went in with a piece of paper with questions on them.
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Conner Fleury - Once you sign up you are committed and there is no going back. You can be deployed or sent where ever they decide to send you. I would never make this kind of commitment without doing serious research and asking serious questions. Your life will be much easier if you are a planner, and be a good planner entails research.
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