Posted on Apr 15, 2020
What is the proper way of kicking someone out for sailor weight and tape?
Me and my wife are dual military. She had an ankle surgery on January that literally restricted her from doing PT and put a lifting limit of 5lbs. Later on before the convalescing leave ends she becomes pregnant, but later she had some sort of argument at her job and she losses the baby. 2-3 weeks after the lost of out son she get “selected” to do height and weight, they tape her she fails; she already failed this once so this is her second time in less than a year like the regulation says. But her CoC gives her a counseling saying we will send you to the provider to see if there’s any medical reason why you are not able to lose any weight. Last night April 14 she got a message from her SL saying that she needs to go today 15 to the clinic and get her blood draw and to get a physical examination packet, but when she gets to the desk and ask for said packet the staff tells her that packet is to initiate separation and she didn’t even knew she is getting separated because on the counseling doesn’t said anything about that. I need any type of advice people on how this process is being handled and what to do about it?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
Height and Weight compliance is required regardless of status. Even if she was limdu she would be needed to maintain height weight.
From my experience the Navy takes two tape failures in a year fairly serious. If there is no medical condition causing the weight gain they have the choice to pursue administrative separation. Have her verify everything with her admin. They should be able to clarify what’s actually happening.
Also, I am sorry for your loss. Don’t hesitate to get her some counseling from mental health. With everything going on she may need someone to talk to.
From my experience the Navy takes two tape failures in a year fairly serious. If there is no medical condition causing the weight gain they have the choice to pursue administrative separation. Have her verify everything with her admin. They should be able to clarify what’s actually happening.
Also, I am sorry for your loss. Don’t hesitate to get her some counseling from mental health. With everything going on she may need someone to talk to.
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