Posted on Jul 15, 2015
What is your involvement with Civic Organizations post military career?
We have all been asked the question after taking off the uniform; do you miss life in uniform? For me it was being part of something larger than myself, having a mission / purpose each day, being part of a team with a focus. Shortly after retiring a friend invited me to a Rotary meeting. My thought was what great networking opportunity. Friends if you need to fill a void in your life, tryout a local civic organization, if you need help finding one let me know. I have been able to do and learn so much via my involvement with Rotary that and connects me to efforts larger than self.
Sam Baker, Frank Pollard
Sam Baker, Frank Pollard
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I did miss it when I got out. A lot actually. I did eventually get involved with some civic orgs but the first thing I got involved with was a volunteer wilderness search and rescue team here in Colorado. That helped a lot and played to my need for challenge and stress. I did eventually get involved with some Vet organizations. Never went to a meeting - never wanted to wear a funny hat. Then they ran into some issues and I got involved to assist. Ended up serving for 5 years as the Vice Commander and then 5 as Commander of the first VFW in the country - Post 1. That gave me the chance to get involved in a lot of Vet issues and become a fairly active member in Colorado's Vet community. Now I assist others with the transition.
CW5 Robert L. Huffman
Izzy, good for you. Being a part of something in your community that is larger than yourself is so rewarding personally and professionally. Using that leadership honed in uniform to help guide other organizations is exactly what others should be doing too.
I miss the feeling of community, having been an Army Brat and Career soldier
CW5 Robert L. Huffman
Dan, a great aspect of civic organization membership is the ability to visit other clubs when you travel. You are always made to feel welcome and as a part of that clubs community.
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