Posted on Feb 14, 2018
CSM Charles Hayden
Beyond my utter shock and dismay at this latest school shooting, I ask myself why? Who failed “us”. why?

Do we need a ‘police state’ to moniter and report eveyone with an personality abberation?

Do too many of our citizens choose to look the ‘other way”’ rather than accept the responsibilty of reporting “deranged members of society”?

At age 12, in 1945, I was cleared to ‘fire at will’ on the farm. I possessed a 22 caliber rifle and the 410 shotgun arrived soon after.

Positive action is needed, your thoughts?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 119
SPC Russell T. Andrews
The left removed God from everything they could using our own Constitution to allow evil from the devil to step in...Before that things were not quiet as evil as they are now days...
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1SG Michael Farrell
Trying to slice and dice society is a complex and dangerous thing -- think of the Cambridge Analytics model of determining which category of person someone based on Facebook entries and then using that for marketing the equivalent of direct mail. I think The Rolling Stones have it right in Sympathy for the Devil -- "Shouted out who killed the Kennedys, when after all it was you and me..." We have become a fractured society where we accept a certain level of violence and don't even see it. If nothing else, we need a do-over on awareness and the idea of the civic American society and what that is supposed to represent. However the fracture of our society by partisan political beliefs and misinformation is probably a root cause of the paralysis of our institutions to respond, mitigate and fix what needs attention. That, and if you're of a belief system that admits the concept, original sin. However, blaming original sin for poverty or social inequity or meaningless violence or any other issue is laziness. We have the opportunity in the United States to be better through who and what we are. We are a country based on ideals and an idea, not on race or ethnicity or religion. Lincoln said it in the Gettysburg Address, but the war has never ended...this is our most recent battlefield. "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. "

If we don't solve these issues of which gun violence and mental illness are only symptoms, we will have failed as the living to accept the challenges of a new birth of freedom, and government of, by and for the people will die a squalid death.

Johnny Cash wrote a song about 60 years ago that sees it all. The Big Battle. Check it out.
And, yes, I think those of us privileged to have worn our uniforms still have that duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and our own corners of the American experiment.
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PO3 John Wagner
Edited 6 y ago
Too many folks worried about stepping on each other’s toes in a departmental sense.
Yet how did this massive explosion build up.... and how many more are out there waiting to happen.
Liberal lawmakers pass so many restrictions designed to protect individual liberties yet we are now living the consequences of their actions.
The very same people who cry gun control at the drop of a hammer are the very ones who put this kids bizarre behavior in an “off limits” zone.
In more rural America this would never have happened. Why? Because years and years before this kid would have come to folks attention and been brought into the fold one way or another.
This murderer would never have existed. He might well have become a healthy and happy adult.
We all did this. The blood is on our hands. When lawmakers became grandstanding actors spending more of their time pandering for votes than doing their jobs we failed.
How to turn it around? It will be a task as complex and painstaking as reconstructing the skeleton of an enormous dinosaur from tiny slivers of bone.
We aren’t up to it. Moral backbone has disintegrated or become scoffed at as archaic.
No wonder they want gun control. When people abdicate their moral responsibilities to community and children then everything must be controlled.
We let a handful of terrorist win the war in 2001 using a few pieces of our infrastructure to lay us low.
The weapons we need are moral fortitude and responsibility. We gave those up for electronic babysitters. Yes that’s one of my granddaughters. Two years old. Baby bottle in one hand and an iPad in the other. I cuss my kids every time. The older one is a little more reachable...... maybe?.
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CPL OH-58D Armament/Electrical/Avionics Systems Repairer
There are many arguments on fault but it just comes down to there are a lot of people that don't see everything the same way whether it be mental illness or being bullied or just plain psychotic. No matter what, if someone wants to kill people, they can find a lot of ways to do it. Yes guns are easier than building a bomb but people will find a way. Maybe we should start protecting the schools with electronic doors and metal detectors. Instead of trying to control people, control what comes in our schools. Maybe instead of giving Wal-Mart family 11 billion in tax cuts, give them 10 and pay for security for the next 10 yrs. I know a lot of retired soldiers that look for part time work. Just some ideas
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SFC Jim Ruether
We are all responsible. We need to restore the basic "Respect for Life" It is sadly missing in our society when young men kill each other over a pair of Nike Athletic Shoes? Is a human life some how worth less that a $100 pair of shoes?

How about video games, and the movies we see with the violence shown and promoted in them? The more graphic in nature the better. We have taken someone briefly grabbing their side and sliding to the floor when they were shot, to full shotgun blasts to the body and the resulting blood and brain spray on the wall behind the victim.

The kids today aren't grossed out by a body disintegrating behind the shot they just took they are not only expecting it but are disappointed when it doesn't happen.

The Army was just starting to use graphic video games for clearing buildings and it was designed to sharpen reaction times but also to eliminate the respect for life that will stop an individual from pulling the trigger.

Sometimes in effect signing his own death warrant in the process.

Dad's in society need to step up and provide the foundation for a strong family. The mothers in America are doing the best that they can but it takes two to hold a family together.

We need to take an interest in our kids and their education. Stop bullying before it gets bad enough to borrow dads shotgun or rifle and do something about it or taking their own life.

Shall I go on? I think you get the picture now do something about it.
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SP6 Andy Hurrey
Simplicity. Except for Sandy Hook, the shooters shot up their own schools. The shooter is responsible for their own actions - what nobody wants to talk about is how was the monster that was/is the shooter created. They weren't created by have access to the objects that they used as tools to inflict harm, they were created by their fellow students.
Beware the monsters you create ... they always come home.
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MSgt Allen Chandler
This question really concerns me I think up with the answer for myself and that is all rights have some limitations freedom of speech can’t your fire you theater freedom to travel can’t break into somebody’s house freedom Of ownship You must pay for it.
The second amendment talks about two things I will alarm militia and the right to bear arms. State Armory’s musket all their weapons to the national military machine guns I’m not available to every day people.
I don’t think there are many who disagree with anything I’ve said to this point now comes the argument/discussion is it reasonable to call for a background check of any kind I think so but I respect others who did not. Is it reasonable call for 10 day waiting period. I think so but I respect those who do not agree with me. I think it’s reasonable to say people who did not have a special need above and beyond self-defense and hunting should not have sent me automatic weapons such as the A.R. 15 but I respect those who do not agree with me.
No I expect to get a lot of responses calling me an idiot or some other negative word without giving any argument to why they disagree with me .
If we can have a discussion about what a legitimate restriction on the Second Amendment then we can move forward and find a solution to this. If you think I’m wrong please explain to me why do not drop this to the level of name calling are slippery slope the question is what is a reasonable solution .
Is it reasonable to say that a person in a mental hospital has a constitutional right to own a gun some people have told me it is I think 99% of us don’t. is reasonable for a person in prison to own a gun some people of told me it’s constitutionally required. I think 99% of us don’t. Is it reasonable to loud person is civilian with no training to order a bazooka are a predator drone just because he wants to some people of told me the Constitution requires us to let them do that I think that most of us don’t believe that’s what the Second Amendment meant.
The original question was who are just down I think the answer is we let ourselves down by letting the extremist hijacked the conversation. The only question with discussing is what is reasonable.

Allen chandler USAF (21 years) Retired
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Sgt Marbury Keys
I just don't know.
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SSG Jose M. Hernandezsanchez
I feel no pitty for this guy at all. But there signs that he was not right in the head, and that's what we, our society need to become educated and report these things. And didn't a neighbor recorded him acting weird in his backyard or something like that? What was the outcome of that? Jesus Christ! What else is it going to take for this country to wake the hell up?
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PO1 Don Mac Intyre
By "society", if you mean law enforcement then I agree with you, law enforcement failed on a massive scale and 17 people paid the ultimate price for their mistakes. If by "society" you mean the general population of the United States I disagree that we as a people failed.
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