Posted on Aug 19, 2016
What's the best beer in states and what's the best beer you've ever had?
Responses: 46
It's a great time to be a beer drinker! There are so many great craft beers these days. I just had the chance to have Pliny the Elder from Russian River and if you like DIPAs, this is the holy grail. Russian River is also producing some amazing barrel sours if your palette can enjoy sour beers (you should give them a try!). My personal favorites in the US include Siren Noire from Heavy Seas, most beers from Trillium, Brown Shugga' from Lagunitas, and of course my own homebrew! I don't drink too many imports (it's tough to survive the trip and we have great local beers), but some favorites are Rodenbach Grand Cru, Duchesse de Bourgogne, and any good German Pilsner. These days, it's hard to go wrong drinking local and drinking craft.
Being from Texas, I've always been partial to Shiner's line of beers, but I've been trying varying IPAs in different parts of the country and I have to agree with Capt Brandon Charters, each region usually has a great brew local to the area.
Looping in Mike Pape (RP Staff) as well. I don't know where to start because it's hard for me to judge different beer styles against each other. Also best for drinking and best tasting are a little different imo
SSG William Jones
Guess I'm not qualified to answer that. Had to quit years ago, because th' dang stuff kept making me drunk.
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