Posted on Jun 30, 2015
What should I know about attending 92Y SLC at Ft. Lee VA?
I am about to attend SLC at Ft. Lee as a 92Y. Besides what is on their ALU website, are there any reviews of the course? Can someone tell me their experience?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
was suppose to go this OCT, but due to deployment, got cancelled....again.
1SG (Join to see)
Wish I could get onto another one, I have volunteered a dozen times. Since I am an AGR in a guard unit, they wont let me do unless the whole unit does. So my one time is all I get.
Ha, it's FT have probably already been there I would's all political.....I went to SLC twice (the first time was report date of 30SEP13 with a class start date of 01OCT13, but then the government shut down and they held us all (everybody) there for 5 days before they finally sent us home....HUGE waste of money....they sent the whole ALU home with the exception of like 2 classes who were 3-4 weeks into their curriculum)....I went again at 28FEB14 with class start 01MAR14....ended up getting DHG (don't know how I pulled that off)...but it was all CSS oriented with a dash of PBUSE.....mostly learning about other MOSs within the quartermaster corp and how all the cogs make the wheel move.......they kept saying that the class after us was supposed to be GSARMY oriented and that all the Y's were supposed to finally get computers in the classrooms (we had beat up ARs and FMs that looked like rainbows)....last I herd though, they still havn't changed the curriculum........sorry, I don't think my post helps much :D
1SG (Join to see)
So I am a Guard guy. I dont know PRT, is that something I need to work on before I get there? Is there a PT test the first day? I am not worried about passing it as I am in shape. I just like to know about these things and the ALU website doesnt say much at all. Thanks for the response, it actually did help. It gave me more than what I have.
SSG (Join to see)
You'll do height and weight the first day there....the pt test will be any day within the first week. You will be graded on conducting PRT, but it isn't that hard, you'll get plenty of instruction and time to practice, and it's just not that'll see
SSG (Join to see)
And you won't be graded on the PRT during the PT's a part of the curriculum like everything one will be graded on conducting PRT until atleast week 3, maybe 4 even, can't remember exactly, I just know I was glad to leave
It is not that bad I went after a deployment so it was a little different back then. As long as you know your manuals and can quick reference you will be okay. The combat logistics piece you should not have a problem with either. We did a PBUSE refresher while there don't know if it is still part of the curriculum. As far as review you do class reviews and peers reviews before any exams, just like PLDC (WLC) tab your manuals since everything is open book in truth there is really not that much of a need for coursework to be honest. You already know the material you will do fine. "Victory Through Support" Network, Network, Network
1SG (Join to see)
Thanks for the response. It gives me more than what I had before which is nothing but a packing list.
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