Posted on Apr 18, 2019
SPC Infantryman
Need some help! I was active duty infantry, got out and was finishing my IRR time to conclude in 2022, I joined in 2014. RCCC calls and says I can get a 17k bonus to become a DS in the reserves, for a 6 yr commitment. Roger that, I’m in.

I in-processed my unit today, and he now says that I won’t get my bonus until I sign my new contract (duh), but that the bonus won’t be issued until the end off my initial contract and my what would have been my IRR time (now in the reserves as a DS) expires. That doesn’t seem right. It would seem that once so sign my new 6 year contract, my old contract would terminate and my bonus should be issued. Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated!
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Responses: 5
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Key words on the new contract are "Immediate Reenlistment". Without those words, the person telling you that you have to wait is correct.
Also a factor is the probability that you need to be qualified as a DS before that bonus gets paid, so I would encourage you to get to SQI X school ASAP.
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SSG William Jones
There's something off-center about this if I understand you correctly. You probably need to pursue this further but I'm not sure about the starting point.
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
6 y
I guess I need to talk to the career counselor in my unit? But it would seem to me that if I sign a 6 yr extension for the bonus, my old contract would terminate and my bonus would be processed and I would re-enlist. Doesn’t that sound right?
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
6 y
SPC (Join to see) My last contract was for a "burst of 3" and I believe a 6K bonus. I think my extension "butted" on to the end of my then current contract. There was no overlapping. I received my bonus at a rate of 2K per year for the 3 years that I re-upped for. Yeah, you need to speak with your unit career counselor for starters, and he/she may point you to another source of help, in order to resolve this issue.
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SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
Ok I would speak to your retention NCO because this doesn't sound right at all. So I was with a Drill Sergeant unit for 10 years received 2 bonus. But your old contract would become null and void once you sign your new contract. All new Drill Sergeant candidates that we received that signed up for a bonus would receive the bonus once they completed DSS. After that each time you signed a new contract with a bonus it would start paying it every two years a portion. I would speak to retention about this asap and your 1sg they have dealt with this millions of times.
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
6 y
Thank you for the help!
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