Posted on Aug 4, 2020
CPT Jack Durish
WWI and WWII. Korea. Vietnam. I can well imagine them all torn down just as Confederate monuments are being torn down today. Hopefully, they’ll wait until we’re all gone just as they waited until all the Confederate veterans were dead and buried. No, I am not advocating that slavery was acceptable. However, just as a point of interest, did you know that Confederate soldiers, sailors and marines were made US Veterans by Act of Congress? No, this doesn't justify defending their monuments. But it doesn't make our monuments any more defensible when public opinions turns against us.

What? You don’t think our history will be vilified one day? You don't think our monuments could be destroyed? Think again.

Our monuments could be torn down by the socialists if they ascend to power. Remember, those of us who fought the socialists during the 20th Century – the Nazis, the Fascists, the Communists – we won’t be remembered any more kindly than those Confederate veterans. Will the socialists ascend to such power? Well, it’s a good bet that socialism enjoys strong approval by at least 25% of today’s population and another 25% looks at socialism and say “Meh.” And, with the boost in popularity coming from todays students at socialist dominated campuses, their strength is growing.

Our monuments could be torn down by the Muslims if they ascend to power. I wouldn’t expect 9/11 memorials to last very long if that happens. Will the Muslims ascend to power in the United States? Well, if current trends in birthrates continue, I’d say there’s more than a good chance.

Now, what do you think?
Posted in these groups: American history logo American History
Edited 4 y ago
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Responses: 9
SGT Edward Wilcox
Where, in this entire world, do you see a victorious country erect statues to the memory of those that fought against them? Only here. Where do you find any country that erects monuments to traitors and insurrectionists? Only here. No, they were never declared US veterans by Congress, and if I am wrong, please cite the act. No, our monuments to those who fought FOR our country will not be torn down. Witness all the Civil War monuments that still stand, the ones commemorating the Union.
SSgt Christophe Murphy
SSgt Christophe Murphy
4 y
They were pardoned and eventually CSA veterans were given Military honors. It is mostly contested because by the time it finally happened and made it through the bureaucracy they had all passed on. They weren't treated in Federal Hospitals as we are in modern day but they did eventually receive honors and headstones. [login to see]
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
4 y
SSgt Christophe Murphy - They were NEVER given full US Veteran status. Yes, their graves are marked, but they are not buried at National Cemeteries. They were never given military honors. They were never eligible for any benefits as US Veterans. Their widows and children qualified, but they did not.

Please stop buying the bullshit. They were traitors and insurrectionists. No act of Congress ever gave them full veteran status. And in a stunning move, Politifact got this one wrong.
SGM Operations Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
4 y
SGT Edward Wilcox if you seriously “don’t count vandalism” then continuing this convo is pointless because we are never going to agree. Nevermind the scores of other destructions in smaller towns on lesser known veteran monuments. Isolated incidents...

I actually think there is a solid argument to be made for removing Confederate statues. I would support it if done through proper channels. But it should never under any circumstances come from mob justice. Those removals should go through the political process, not an anarcho-communist riot.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
4 y
SGM (Join to see) - Agreed. The process for removing them should be an orderly one. But to assume that ALL monuments are in danger because of the actions towards a few, is a reach. And even if you do add in the vandalism, it is still a small sample compared to the actions towards legitimate targets.
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Patricia Overmeyer
CPT Jack Durish: Citation please to the congressional act which designated Confederate soldiers as US veterans.
Cpl Alvin Diaz
Cpl Alvin Diaz
4 y
You did say, however, that people today, and i'm paraphrasing, are trying to vilify confederate soldiers. That in and of itself sounds like your defending them. You used the word vilify, I merely responded in kind.
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
4 y
Cpl Alvin Diaz; CPT Jack Durish - The problem with the first paragraph, Cpt. Durish, is that while you state you are not defending the Confederacy or the Confederate statues, you make the statement that Confederate soldiers were made US veterans. That statement is then equated to "what about us", as if Confederate soldiers were actually granted US veteran status. That is your premises to the next premise of US veteran memorials for other wars will be taken down because the socialists. Muslims, or others who come to power will vilify the US veteran memorials since those memorials don't adhere to their ideals, etc. Your premise that Confederate soldiers were made US veterans is not bore out by any laws passed by Congress. Thus your premises failed.

Cpl Diaz succinctly and correctly pointed out the various fallacies of the argument and you are saying that everyone is stuck on a track inspired by propaganda. You never pointed out in your premises the fallacy of the Confederate/US veteran status statement. What you did was use it to uphold your next premises that "our history will be vilified one day." That is why you are being challenged on the fallacious reasoning.
SP5 John Norman
SP5 John Norman
4 y
Just my 2 cents I believe in God Family and Country.In I my case I Had a father and son on opposite sides of the Civil war And met across the battle field in June 1862 in Memphis.Both men are American by birth so wright or wrong they are both US veterans . As tragic as the war was it can not and should not be erased and to me it is disrespectful to remove any monuments . I believe if history is forgotten it will be surely be repeated .Just look how this conversation is causing a division.
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
4 y
SP5 John Norman - You are right, we should never disrespect those memorials erected to honor those brave men who fought for this right to own slaves, to keep blacks in chains, to beat them, to massacre them, to torture them, to lynch them, to rape them, to take their children away and sell them to the highest bidder, to sell any one of them as if they were cattle.
“Our new government’s foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.” - Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens, 1861
Those monuments to those brave men who fought for slavery didn't appear until black political progress, where they were elected to state legislatures, etc. These statues were erected as Jim Crow policies and the KKK came to power. Even more statues and memorials were built during the 1960s and 1970s as blacks obtained even more political progress. These memorials and statues are nothing more than the glorification of slavery, wrapped in the "Southern pride", "heritage", "culture" and the "need to preserve history". In fact, they are/were merely symbols of hatred designed to uphold a revisionist history of the Confederacy.
Simply because Confederate soldiers were American by birth does not make them US veterans. They took up the traitorous flag and fought against the United States. This makes them Confederate veterans, not US veterans.
True history will not be forgotten if these monuments and statues are taken down. Ask any black American if they will forget slavery.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Cpl Alvin Diaz
Cpl Alvin Diaz
4 y
Hitler? Wasn't that some young Austrian-part Jewish ne'er do well artist? What does he have to do with WWII? And hey, what's WWII?
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