Posted on Sep 24, 2016
Why has the GOP become a second choice behind Libertarians amongst the military?
Responses: 9
Well because the GOP backs measures that blatantly are unconstitutional. Equal rights, 4th amendment violations, 1st amendment violations and the list goes on. The party and its politicians are not about freedom. They are all about control. The only difference between them and the democrats is the flavor of the control.
It makes sense I guess. It's this new generation raised on everyone gets an award just for participating. Just like the Drill Sergeants complaining that these new recruits don't grasp the concept of jump when I say jump. They said that they have to explain the reasoning behind everything first. They also need constant praise and positive reinforcement. In other words, they will be completely blown away in the chaos of combat. But at least they had the faith in our nation's ideals to join in the first place. That makes them family.
SFC Mark Merino
COL Lee Flemming - I had to look that one up. I'm not gonna lie. I completely agree. I'll give POTUS credit....he was VERY consistent. When he makes a dreadful decision, he will only continue to throw the highest octane fuel on the fire.
SPC Shaun Eaves
SFC Mark Merino - I am by no means part of the "everyone gets a trophy" generation. However, Libertarian mindset runs counter to that mentality. A true Libertarian believes in maximum liberty, but also understands that requires everyone to be accountable and practice personal responsibility. Under a Libertarian form of government there are no handouts, social safety net, etc. If you make bad decisions you pay the consequences. It truly is a meritocracy.
I would say that the reason Libertarians are becoming the party of choice for today's military is found in the oath itself " support and defend the Constitution". Libertarians are the only (political party) that seem to actually care what that document means or says.
I would say that the reason Libertarians are becoming the party of choice for today's military is found in the oath itself " support and defend the Constitution". Libertarians are the only (political party) that seem to actually care what that document means or says.
Me personally, I had no political affiliation until much later in my career. Mainly because I did not know a lot and it was not something I felt was being taught in the Army. I didn't even vote until after I had retired. When I did vote, it was after much research and I felt that the GOP had been the party that treated the military better as far as pay and modernization. Smaller Federal Government and "Power Down" to local governments was also something I think I could understand as the better way to take care of local needs. With both major parties looking to be straying so far away from their platforms, I'm not surprised more and more military are identifying with anything other than Dems or GOP.
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