Posted on Mar 12, 2014
Why is it now becoming an issue to stop your vehicle, exit, and render a salute during retreat? Is this enforced at your installation?
I was taught from the beginning that this was the standard. If there is more than one military member in the vehicle, the driver stops, exits the vehicle and salutes while the passengers sit at attention for the duration of retreat. Has it taken the PFC Sheffey incident to bring the standards back to the forefront?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 17
I was driving on post Friday morning to take care of some work at 0625. The gate guards shut down entry and exit to the post to make sure people exited their vehicles and rendered the proper customs and courtesies. The car behind me kept his radio blasting and never exited the vehicle, I went to address the situation in a tactful manner because I noticed the person was wearing ACU's. I was sad to notice the person in the vehicle was a Senior NCO and caught an attitude toward me because I questioned his actions. I think it is an honor to serve my country and cannot believe that we have leaders that don't abide by or enforce standards....I feel sorry for their Soldiers!
SFC (Join to see)
SSG Calub, we as "junior NCOs", at least until the list comes out, must strive to do as you have and uphold the standards. It doesn't matter the rank of the offender, we have an obligation to uphold the rules, regulations, and standards. I applaud you.
I've always seen it enforced as well as enforced it myself. The only time I've seen a SM not adhere is when their radio was up to loud and they didn't notice that people were stopped. The big violators are civilians (contractors that know better included) and spouses.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG Perry,
I agree wholeheartedly about the civilians on post and believe that if the installation was enforcing this, i.e. PMO, then they would quickly learn to adhere as well.
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