Posted on Sep 28, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
"John Boehner was a terrible, very bad, no good speaker of the House. Under his leadership, Republicans pursued an unprecedented strategy of scorched-earth obstructionism, which did immense damage to the economy and undermined America’s credibility around the world.

Still, things could have been worse. And under his successor they almost surely will be worse. Bad as Mr. Boehner was, he was just a symptom of the underlying malady, the madness that has consumed his party.

For me, Mr. Boehner’s defining moment remains what he said and did as House minority leader in early 2009, when a newly inaugurated President Obama was trying to cope with the disastrous recession that began under his predecessor.

There was and is a strong consensus among economists that a temporary period of deficit spending can help mitigate an economic slump. In 2008 a stimulus plan passed Congress with bipartisan support, and the case for a further stimulus in 2009 was overwhelming. But with a Democrat in the White House, Mr. Boehner demanded that policy go in the opposite direction, declaring that “American families are tightening their belts. But they don’t see government tightening its belt.” And he called for government to “go on a diet.”

This was know-nothing economics, and incredibly irresponsible at a time of crisis; not long ago it would have been hard to imagine a major political figure making such a statement. Did Mr. Boehner actually believe what he was saying? Was he just against anything Mr. Obama was for? Or was he engaged in deliberate sabotage, trying to block measures that would help the economy because a bad economy would be good for Republican electoral prospects?

We’ll probably never know for sure, but those remarks set the tone for everything that followed. The Boehner era has been one in which Republicans have accepted no responsibility for helping to govern the country, in which they have opposed anything and everything the president proposes. "
Posted in these groups: Republican logo RepublicansEconomy logo EconomyUs flag 48 stars.svg United States
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Responses: 71
Col Joseph Lenertz
I suggest asking a question after researching a variety of sources on the subject. This one is just another attack in the form of a question.
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SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
Sir, my direct after thought was to tell you to serve under a few more presidents before you make comments like these; but I see you’ve been in a while so I can’t understand your accusations, especially when you’ve seen the typical treatment of the military through different administrations. I find your direct accusations distasteful and a poor reflection on this forum.

Good day.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
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LTC Air Defense Artillery Officer
Downvoting this post for obvious reasons. Those who can see past the end of their nose know exactly why. You won't gain any fans or convert anyone Capt Miller so go post stuff like this on your Facebook or instagram. This does nothing to further the profession of arms. I do agree with you about one thing however, Mr Boehnor was a horible speaker because he was and is a democrat.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
You mean he is a DINO?

And I see you don't have any rebuttal to the content of the article either.

LTC Air Defense Artillery Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
No, Captain, I mean he acted exactly like his predessesser and past only blills that the president would sign. Four Vetoes is all he has. That is the lowest number of vetoes by a sitting president in modern history but alas, I fell in to the trap of trying to teach you something when you all ready know everything. Wasting no more time and effort on this discussion regardless of how amazed I am that you are a commissioned officer and even further amazed that there is a commissioning source in our military that would commission you.
LTC Air Defense Artillery Officer
LTC (Join to see)
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Done troll
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
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SFC Matthew Parker
Capt Miller,
It's Speaker Boehner, duly chosen and elected IAW the constitution. Please try to refer to him with some respect.
The republican party does not in fact attack the country, they question policy, they disagree with the philosophy of the democratic party in government. Republican shills like Rush are mean spirited and disrespectful towards those they disagree with but they don't attack the country. The right wingers on Rally Point who attack the President personally or use language like "progressive/socialist, immoral, corrupt, and unethical policies that are destroying our country" are just as bad but they don't attack the country they have so honorably served.
The democratic leaders in the House and Senate have attacked the policy's of the republican administrations, and they have questioned the philosophy of the republican party. And shills like you speak with disrespect towards republicans with no basis for your personal attacks. "terrible, very bad, no good speaker of the House" is not a form of constructive well thought out political dialog.
Fact is both political parties want what they feel is best for this country. Both have an agenda that conflicts with the others. But your comments and those of the right wingers are equal in their nonsense. When you run for office and win, and you need to govern, remember regardless of party we are one country.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
What? Respect is based on performance, not position.

That is like saying, “Yeah he crashed the plane in perfect conditions but he is still the pilot.”

Haven’t there been a couple of senators indicted for this and that, and a former governor of Virginia soon reporting to prison? It’s a staple in Hollywood, but it applies all over. What you done for me lately?

And like in another post I made, Boehner met the Pope, but is not sorry for all the destruction to our economy and world standing he caused, he was sorry because he couldn’t cause more.

If you can't see that refusing to vote –at all- or shutting down the government is not an attack on the country itself, your beret is on too tight.

If the Republican party doesn't like how things are going, they need to win elections -- operate within the system as designed by the Framers.

SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
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SFC Parker: All good points. Well said.
SFC Matthew Parker
SFC Matthew Parker
>1 y
Thank you SFC Walko,
I believe Cpl Rice is correct that the Speaker was a buffer between the hardliners and the rest of the party. Decisions are made by those who can see the others point of view and compromise. I think we sorely lack those types of elected leaders right now.
I also agree with Capt Schwager that the republican party needs to split into the main party and hard right or "conservative party". The type of internal fighting and division within the GOP is similar to what we saw within the democratic party. The difference is the ultra liberals understood their agenda didn't have a large national base of approval. So they worked within the party trying to affect change, the conservatives have a scorched earth policy that may kill any chance they have of winning a national election.

I also laugh at the conservatives that think attacking the President on a personal level is a workable strategy, the liberals that attacked Bush got no where advancing their agenda.
President Obama loves this country as does President Bush. Their philosophy's are different, but no President past, present or future can destroy this nation regardless of the noise coming from the pundits and nitwits like Rush and Savage.
Agree to disagree, compromise and lets build up this nation, not trash talk it.

Just my thoughts.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
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>1 y
SFC Parker,
You make a lot of sense. Whenever someone attacks a person personally like you mentioned they will lose their argument. It’s what we were taught: think, speak and show respect, sometimes even when the person doesn’t deserve it. Sadly there isn’t much respect in Washington these days.
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MAJ Matthew Arnold
I am a Republican. I agree with almost everything the Republican Party stands for and does. I do not like the ACA (Obama Care) and want it repealed, I do not want to pay for everyone else's health care. I want the government to balance the budget. Like an expert in a court case, you can find an economists to support what you want said. I don't like much of anything Pres. Obama has done. He has either pushed a socialist agenda which cannot be paid for, and or has exceeded the authority of the executive branch and ruled like a dictator, both actions I consider wrong, just flat our wrong. (This is not the Union of Socialist States of America.) And I could go on: Article 10, 2nd Amendment, visitors to the White House, Press control by the administration, yada, yada, yada. For every passionate complaint a liberal has about the conservatives there is an equal and opposite passionate conservative complaining about the liberals. For example: I just don't see how anyone can support a party that supports murdering the unborn children. It is beyond me. It is unacceptable and I will do anything legal to stop this evil practice, including shutting down the government. If that's what it takes to get people's attention and get this publicly funded criminal mass murdering stopped then so be it. I would prefer not to shut down the government, but I support it if it is the only way to make illegal what should already be illegal. So, who is playing brinkmanship when one party says they will approve the budget if one item is removed? Just remove this one little thing that we can't agree on and we'll pass the budget, and all the other thousands of things and the government can go on operating normal, retirees will get their paychecks, yada, yada, yada. The party who says no, all or nothing, is to blame for shutting down the government.

Well, I've gone off, and off scope, forgive me.
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
>1 y
I'm a proud sailor that stands on my own two feet but a person like you almost makes me ashamed to call myself a sailor. And hell yes Im mean when it comes to my family. If i have a choice of working and feeding my kids or feeding some other persons kids that are too lazy to work...Hell yes Im mean...My kids come first. People like you wouldnt lift a finger to help my kids...Other peoples kids arent my responsibility. I didnt have kids and the leave them fatherless and when it comes to my kids having food or anyone else having food...My Kids WIN every time. Id ask if your mean and stupid but i believe all of us on RP Already know the answer to that question.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
You stand on your own two feet, but when you drive a car, who pays for the roads you drive on?


PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
>1 y
i do. each and every time i buy gas for my cars, or pay my state taxes.
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
>1 y
but with your warped world view I should also pay for some woman to sit at home and have 4 kids all from different fathers...or should I call them what they really are...sperm donors. Per you I should let my kids go hungry so that I can pay for someones kid from a mother and sperm donor that should have been sterilized. Like I said before there is No way your a shellback and good thing you never rode The Enterprise...they would have dumped you at sea.
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CW5 All Source Intelligence Technician
There was and is a strong consensus among economists that a temporary period of deficit spending can help mitigate an economic slump..................Seriously? 5 TRILLION more debt now than when Bush left office. Is that your idea of temporary deficit spending? Stop drinking the kool aide.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Well, the author of the piece is a Nobel Prize winning economist.

And I always have to ask: Did you get so excited when Reagan -tripled- the national debt or when Bush 43 -doubled- the debt he found?

CW5 All Source Intelligence Technician
CW5 (Join to see)
>1 y
I got excited when Reagan dismantled the Soviet Union by crushing them economically instead of thermonuclear weapons. And excited when Bush countered the terrorists and indeed kept us safe for eight years. I'm now excited that Nov 2016 is getting closer.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
CW5 (Join to see) - Reagan didn't do that. The Soviet Union sowed the deeds of its own demise in 1917. The policy of Containment was inaugurated in 1948. The USSR was going to collapse. It was just a matter of timing.

Do you think whatever pressure the US put on the USSR during the 1980's was worth -tripling- the national debt?

It was not.

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CW3 Kevin Storm
Really, I seem to recall Nancy Pelosi doing the same damn thing during her tenure as Speaker. She was also coined as the party of No. How quickly we forget.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Nancy Pelosi shut down the government? When? What for?

SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
CW3 Kevin Storm Indeed! First, I would say that the government has not been shut down in decades, in any meaningful sense. All essential services have continued, and everybody got paid, whether they had to show up to work, or not. Secondly, I would point out that it is not the job of the Congress to necessarily agree with the President. Congress was intentionally put in place as a CHECK to both Executive, and Judicial powers, and given the means to resist either through the budgeting process, and through the impeachment power. If Congress disagrees with a Presidential directive, or desire, it is their job to resist, and to not fund those actions they disagree with. It is in this regard that the Republican Congress in particular has failed, though Democrat Congress' have a pretty long history of using unconstitutional tools such as Continuing Resolutions instead of their yearly requirement to approve an actual Budget. To be clear both parties are guilty of this.

This is where the Republicans AND the Democrats have failed. They have NOT passed budgets yearly as required by the Constitution, and they have not exercised their power of the purse in ANY regard. If Congress would simply submit a budget and send it to the President for his signature, or veto, then it would be the President who "shut down" the government with his veto, not the Congress.
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MCPO Roger Collins
As pointed out earlier, this is just another instance of bomb throwing to see how much damage and vitriol that can be started. IMO, there are many of us that would like to discuss the issues, in depth, with logic accompanying those discussions. This post does nothing to further the melding of our citizens, but a continuation of the current occupant's tactics in dividing the nation. Name calling accomplishes nothing! With the possible exception of showing ignorance.

"It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Agree. He has been had so many ways by this President, he has become an advocate for the Gay agenda. As far as his ability to counter the destructive agenda of the left, he and his advisors left much to be desired. IMO, its the Democrats that should be sad about his leaving.
Now. one for you. What is your opinion of Planned Parenthood selling body parts for a profit. Since most abortions are done on Hispanic and Black women, are you a racist to support that agenda?
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Planned Parenthood is forbidden by law to participate in abortions. Federal money may not be spent on abortions; that is the law.

The thing is, that the GOP has had in the past enough control of the government to overturn Roe v. Wade. Do you think this Supreme Court, who tossed 100 years of precedent to decide Citizens United, wouldn’t do that?

Here’s a shocker for you: The GOP DOES NOT WANT TO OVERTURN ROE V. WADE.

Sorry, all caps seemed best. The reason the GOP doesn’t want to overturn Roe v. Wade is that it has for decades waved that abortion stick at people with good motives, people like you probably. And many people, people like you probably, go: “Godless liberals love abortion!”

But the upshot is that good people like you probably, are like bulls when they see red over abortion. And you should be. Abortion on demand is wrong. And you will vote against your own best interests, against the party that got the 40 hour work week enacted, the minimum wage enacted, that strengthened Unions, that won World War Two, that got Social Security enacted – because: “Godless liberals love abortion!”

When that is not true. Nobody loves abortion. But Democrats think women should have a right to choose.

And you certainly have the right to enable the GOP to ruin your life and future and the future of your children over an issue where they are playing you for a fool.

MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - Sounds like a lot of speculation and meaningless phrases to me. Care to show some validation as to the Republican position. BTW, I have not been a Republican for many years, though for the most part they vote the closest to my positions. I voted for a Democrat Governor in my state twice because he was one of the few with a functioning brain that was running. The Godless term is rather another bomb throwing and shows how little you know about me. I have acknowledged being an Agnostic long ago. My total allegiance it to the Constitution and how it was originally written. If you are so concerned about our heirs, you would hate the fast approaching $19T National Debt the Dems are putting on their backs to pay for all the largesse needed to get reelected.
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
Yes. He has failed to utilize the House of Representatives as a check against both the executive, and against the Supreme court. Not even bring budgets and legislation to a vote with the excuse the President will only veto it. Congress is in place to keep a healthy separation of powers, and his inaction in this regard has eroded those lines of demarcation. Regards
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MSG Brad Sand
Capt Walter Miller

While I agree with your assessment of REP Boehner, I do not agree with your biased opinion of the GOP. I think it would be worth your long term intellectual interests to go back and see who were actually to blame for the economic melt down of 2009. Do not let your political bias blind you to the truth.

The Democrats have much, if not more, blame for these problems as the Republicans.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
The economic melt-down had as a big component the repeal of Glass-Stegall. That was pretty much bipartisan. And the Bushies not doing any regulating on Wall Street.

But since 2009, the Republican Party has pretty much refused to participate in governing the country.

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Sgt Tom Cunnally
"Will The Republican Party Continue To Attack The Country With Boehner Leaving?"
This is like asking me "When did you stop beating your wife".... Answer I never did Sir but thanx for asking .
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