Posted on Sep 28, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
"John Boehner was a terrible, very bad, no good speaker of the House. Under his leadership, Republicans pursued an unprecedented strategy of scorched-earth obstructionism, which did immense damage to the economy and undermined America’s credibility around the world.

Still, things could have been worse. And under his successor they almost surely will be worse. Bad as Mr. Boehner was, he was just a symptom of the underlying malady, the madness that has consumed his party.

For me, Mr. Boehner’s defining moment remains what he said and did as House minority leader in early 2009, when a newly inaugurated President Obama was trying to cope with the disastrous recession that began under his predecessor.

There was and is a strong consensus among economists that a temporary period of deficit spending can help mitigate an economic slump. In 2008 a stimulus plan passed Congress with bipartisan support, and the case for a further stimulus in 2009 was overwhelming. But with a Democrat in the White House, Mr. Boehner demanded that policy go in the opposite direction, declaring that “American families are tightening their belts. But they don’t see government tightening its belt.” And he called for government to “go on a diet.”

This was know-nothing economics, and incredibly irresponsible at a time of crisis; not long ago it would have been hard to imagine a major political figure making such a statement. Did Mr. Boehner actually believe what he was saying? Was he just against anything Mr. Obama was for? Or was he engaged in deliberate sabotage, trying to block measures that would help the economy because a bad economy would be good for Republican electoral prospects?

We’ll probably never know for sure, but those remarks set the tone for everything that followed. The Boehner era has been one in which Republicans have accepted no responsibility for helping to govern the country, in which they have opposed anything and everything the president proposes. "
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Responses: 71
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Jesus, this is the stupidest crap in RP
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Would you say that a reduction of Military benefits by the GOP controlled Congress is an attack on the country?

Jun 19 2015

The House and Senate have approved their versions of the defense bill, and they don’t see eye to eye on the commissary.

The Senate

The Senate unfortunately took aim at the commissary system in its version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Senate lawmakers cut $322 million from the commissary budget. A cut this big will lead to increased prices, reduced operating hours and days of operation, and a reduction in store staff.

Also tucked inside the bill was language allowing DoD to increase prices in stores to cover costs.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) sponsored an amendment to restore the $322 million funding and to strike language that would allow DoD to adjust commissary prices, but her amendment did not come to a vote.

Even though her amendment wasn’t voted on, as Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Mikulski rejected the commissary cut and provided full funding.

- See more at:

See that? (D-Md.)

The GOP controlled Congress is attacking the country. It has been for more than 30 years.

If you are on social media, thank Senators Inhofe and Mikulski for fighting for commissaries. You can contact them here: Senator Inhofe @JimInhofe and Senator Mikulski @SenatorBarb . - See more at:

SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
I would say that our President held the military hostage and congress just like he is doing now with regards to Gitmo. If you would stop with the horsecrap and stop being partisan you would understand that.
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LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
I have to disagree to a lot of this. Since when is it a successful business plan to over spend? If the government was a business it would have gone under years ago. Parties aside they need to work together to undo the mess that decades of politics and back scratching has done and get a real budget that funds the government and is within its actual income and pays off the national debt.
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller exactly. We need one that functions within its budget and is able to be entrusted with our money.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
What happens when there is a war?

World War Two was financed by increased taxes but also by bonds and deficit spending.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
You must be incensed that President Reagan -tripled- the whole national debt in just 8 years. And you are probably apoplectic that Bush 43 sought huge tax cuts for the wealthy just before he embarked an a huge conflict on the far side of the planet - doubling the national debt that he took over - again in just -8- years.

If you don't these actions as an attack on the country itself, you need to ask yourself why not.

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
If you add what Reagan and Bush added to the National Debt, it STILL doesn't equal what Obama added to the debt... but you already knew that, which is why you spew percentages rather than discussing actual numbers.
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Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally - Chairman Says Congress Wary of Military Pay and Benefit Cuts

Jan 27, 2015 | by Richard Sisk
"Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, the new chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said the impact on recruitment and retention would be a major consideration for him in dealing with proposals for reforming the pay and benefits system.
Thornberry said he was concerned to hear that four out of five service members who spoke last week to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the secretary that they were leaving the military because of poor pay and benefits.
"It disturbs me" to hear troops express those reasons for ending their military careers, Thornberry said at a roundtable meeting with reporters."

When asked whether he could support any pay and benefits reductions for those currently serving, Thornberry was non-committal.
"I want to see what they say," Thornberry said of the commission's upcoming recommendations.
Earlier this month, Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, took the opposite position, saying he was open to possible changes in pay and benefits.
"I can probably support a number of changes that need to be made," McCain said without giving specifics. He singled out the military health care system, which he said "has to be reformed."
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - Ok thanx & Federal Budget negotiations are underway so we may learn more about this issue..
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally

Defense officials must submit a proposal to Congress for completely weaning the military commissary and exchange systems off taxpayer funding, according to a potentially explosive provision buried in the new conference agreement on the 2016 defense authorization bill.

The report, due March 1, must include a “comprehensive plan to achieve by October 1, 2018, budget neutrality in the delivery of commissary and exchange benefits,” according to the proposed legislation, agreed to by House and Senate negotiators.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
An attack on the Military by the GOP controlled Congress.
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Capt Walter Miller
Edited >1 y ago
An update:

"Dent, who is an ally of Boehner, provided a surprisingly suiting analogy:

“Any jackass can kick down a barn door. It takes a carpenter to hang one. We need a few more carpenters around here. Everybody knows it.”

New York Rep. Peter King put it a bit more succinctly:

“I think [Boehner’s resignation] signals the crazies have taken over the party … They’re not going to see it as a gesture of peace, they’re going to just look for more.”

You know there is trouble on the horizon when a Republican starts calling members of his own party “crazies” and “jackasses” — even if those labels are perfectly appropriate. It seems the establishment Republicans are finally starting to understand what goes on in the minds of their extremist brethren. Individuals like Ted Cruz do not want compromise or peace, but destruction; that is, they want the government to fail. Dent believes the GOP needs more “carpenters,” but conservatives do not want to build; they are political terrorists, and their target is the government. These hard-liners have made Congress so dysfunctional over the past few years that the belief in government has hit all-time lows, especially when it comes to Congress itself.

The looming possibility of a government shutdown reveals this tactic. Even though there is no chance of defunding Planned Parenthood with Obama as president, conservatives are still fighting to do so."

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
... you better check and see what the Democrats (who love this country?) are doing?

* Election fraud uninvestigated. Why bother? When have we ever seen > 100% of registered voters voting for a Republican candidate in any election? ??? It's getting to be SOP for Liberals. And about those signatures in Indiana to get Obama's name on the ballot... Why was his name on the ballot if his campaign didn't have enough signatures (after throwing out all the forged signatures)? Why wasn't Obama fully and properly vetted for office? Why did Nancy Pelosi change her endorsement to remove the words "constitutionally qualified?" ??? Why go through the trouble to reword the default endorsement which had been in use for years if your candidate is legit?

* Benghazi anyone? Hillary promised they would hunt down the people responsible for Ambassador Stevens death. So what has the Administration done in that regard? Empty, meaningless words.

* Obama's handling of the JV team called ISIS, ISIL or whatever the nom de jeur is...

* How about that illegal Bergdahl swap? And while we were distracted by the Pope, oops, we let Bin Laden's bodyguard, Abdul Rahman Shalabi, out of Guantanamo!

* Hillary's Server / Emailgate? They respect voters so much the lies can't stop!

* IRS targeting of conservative groups? How is it that tax cheat Al Sharpton gets a pass and is invited to the White House over 81 times to consult with Obama when he owes the IRS $4.5 million in back taxes? And groups associated with the Left get their tax exempt statuses expedited while groups associated with the Tea Party get their applications delayed and scrutinized beyond what any reasonable person would expect?

* Lois Lerner's missing emails. Sure, it was an accident and the emails of the people under investigation were accidentally deleted. Believe it?

* Race baiting? We have people rioting in the streets (Ferguson, Baltimore), blacks playing the knockout game and shooting at the police... and that's okay right?

* Border security. We are importing problems from Syria and Mexico, the purpose of which is to secure more Democrat voters. It has NOTHING to do with protecting the people of America. (refer to Bergdahl swap and release of Abdul Shalabi) Don't you feel safer now?
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. - That's all bullshit.

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Great answer -- especially coming from an expert who routinely spews bullshit but can't point out what it is...
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
hahahaha! Capt Jeff S. On point..
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CH (MAJ) Thomas Conner
Yes, they probably will. That is what you want to hear isn't it? Regardless of any response showing the Republican Party is not "attacking" the country, you would argue Obummer is the greatest (gag!) President and the only political party to ever do anything right ("we have to pass the bill to know what's in it"), is the Democrats (I just threw-up a little). So what is the purpose of your question? You obviously are just looking for an argument and not looking to expanding your view.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
CH (MAJ) Thomas Conner Totally spot on. Thanks Major!
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SPC Andrew Griffin
Yes they will! This is why the Country is SUFFERING!
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SSG Program Control Manager
Decades ago when I was in High School, my friends and I took a road trip to Mobile Alabama to watch us some WWF wrestling. I forget the names however there were two arch rivals present who pretended to hate each other, they could barely contain themselves around the other, always ready to fly off the handle and attack the other with a folding chair or whatever else was left laying around. After the match was over one of my friends insisted on waiting around back to watch the wrestlers leave the arena, he was the one driving... so it's not like we could object. Anyway, what we saw was both of these wrestlers leave the area together and get into the same car. Their rivalry was nothing but showmanship. I get a sense that the same thing is happening between our politicians these days, they pretend to hate one another... but in the end they all work for the banks, the oil companies, big Pharma, and the military industrial complex. Boehner's resignation was just a part of the show.
PO3 Electrician's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
GOP is facing a hostile take over ... until the take over is complete, we will see what happen then.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, some of the money is shifting to more aggressive candidates.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
money shifting.. it is possible liberals get dumber or more deceitful every day. PO2 Ed C.
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SSG John Erny
So where does that put the geriatric Nancy Pelosi when she was speaker most of her statements were idiotic or the words from someone suffering from old age dementia.
The Top 10 from Nancy Pelosi:

1.“The Bible tells us in the Old Testament, ‘To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.’ On this Earth Day, and every day, let us pledge to our children, and our children’s children, that they will have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and the opportunity to experience the wonders of nature.”
Nice. The only problem is the Old Testament contains no such quote.
2. “This initiative is funded by the high end – we call it Astroturf It’s not really a grassroots movement.”
Just gut-wrenching hypocrisy -Astroturf is all the Dem Socialists know, so naturally she accuses her political opposition of what her side does in spades.
3. “Every week we don’t pass a Stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”
Yeah, she actually said that.
4. I’m confident…I’m hopeful that we’ll have a (health care) bill as a Christmas present for the American people.
This, after polls were showing a majority of the American people were against it, after several weeks of bruising (for Dems) town hall meetings in which citizens voiced their opposition to the bill, and after hundreds of thousands showed up in Washington to protest the bill…
5.. You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.
At the time, 61% of the American people were saying it was time for Congress to scrap ObamaCare.
6.“Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program”
Imagine how many jobs we could create if everyone quit their jobs! Wait…..
7. “I believe in natural gas as a clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels.”
Needless to say, natural gas is a fossil fuel.
8. “I think it’s unAmerican.” (to enforce immigration law).
She said that to a Hispanic audience, and refused to clarify the statement when Fox News called her office later on for comment.
9. Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost.
This was in response to a question from George Stephanopoulos about the wisdom of spending millions of dollars on birth control funding in the stimulus package.
10. “We have to pass the (health care) bill so you can find out what is in it”.
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LCDR Deputy Department Head
Interesting points but once again you left no room to have a disagreement or for anyone else to state their opinions.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Meaning you don't have a rebuttal.

LCDR Deputy Department Head
LCDR (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - Not at all, however I'm active duty so all I can do is point out that you made it so others can't rebut. However you already know this.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
So all others are on active duty too?

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PO3 David Fries
This post, and the comments that follow, are almost everything that is wrong with modern politics.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
'Take sides! Always take sides! You will sometimes be wrong - but the man who refuses to take sides must always be wrong.' - Robert A. Heinlein
PO3 David Fries
PO3 David Fries
>1 y
Taking sides isn't the issue. The hypocrisy and vitriol on the other hand.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Taking sides is -exactly- the issue. Too many people have opted out of citizenship.

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