Posted on Sep 2, 2019
Will there be any opportunity to train in martial arts while on deployment at Camp Lemmonier in Djibouti?
I wanted to know if there would be any opportunity to train in martial arts while in Camp Lemmonier. I dont want a deployment to hinder my progression.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
I obv didn't know if Army could do MCMAP with the USMC guys, however, at least it's right there, so you might at least ask, if nothing else, ya know?
Myself, I like aikido and iaido, I've got zero clue if any of this is close, however, I figured you might care to glance at it, in any event....
Myself, I like aikido and iaido, I've got zero clue if any of this is close, however, I figured you might care to glance at it, in any event....
djibouti%20aikido - AOL Search Results
LîDjibouti réunit des habitants de Belgique, d'Europe et du Monde entier avec ceux de Djibouti, dans un esprit d'amitié et de solidarité. LîDjibouti a été créée au mois de février 2007 à Liège (Belgique) par deux amis et collègues de travail : Abdoulkader ALI IBRAHIM, d'origine djiboutienne devenu belge et Jacques CHEVALIER (belge)..
PFC (Join to see)
Yes thank you. I train in Shotokan Karate but any martial arts that I have the opportunity to do there wouldn’t hurt.
Capt Daniel Goodman
I follow...I kinda figured that might be the case, being as it's likely a really remote site...I mean, half a loaf is obv decidedly better than zip, ya know? And from what I've seen of MCMAP and Army Combative videos, it should certainly be reasonably compatible with your ambitions in such a direction...if might not be spot on what you'd hoped for, however, if nothing else, it'd at least be right where you are, ya know? I mean, there's a lot to be said for convenience, I'd figured, honest...I'd be most eager to hear if it actually turns out to be suitable for you whenever you'd have time to get back, no rush, whenever you'd want...I tore my right shoulder rotator cuff some time ago doing a roll...the mats were thinner where the group I got to is now, I did a pretty decent job tearing up my bicipital tendon, it aches a good deal...I can still do it, I just need to be really careful...also...look at iaido on YouTube, if you've never tried it at all, you might find it of interest, honest, it's not as aerobic as aikido, certainly, however, apparently, both arts seem to go well together and are often taught in conjunction with one another in many dojos, I'd noticed...there's also an aikido room on the site here, if you'd wanna look it up, I've seen it on here, for sure, as well....
You can always "train" with the other joes in the barracks on your down time ha.
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