Posted on Jun 2, 2019
LT Michael Watson
There is a different mindset that we are struggling to gap. Some of us are the “ gap generation “ of warriors and trying to connect .
Posted in these groups: VETCOM
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Responses: 8
CAPT Kevin B.
Great topic. One would think that the impact of the war environment is the same for each generation. I disagree. I learned that early on when having many conversations with my dad (WW2/Korea) and myself back from 'Nam. His generation was built differently than mine. Coming off the Depression. Scrapping for everything. Poor. The enemy is absolutely subhuman cur that should be wiped from the face of the Earth. The list goes on. So the actual events played out differently in Dad's mind than it would in mine. Some of his events, we'd likely not see today. The inside scars may appear the same, but the effect plays out in different hues. We didn't have much more help than the Greatest Generation when it came to dealing with the dragons within. Much more help nowadays, but still a long way to go. I'd suggest that many things may seem to translate well in reality pan out less than we'd hope. The best approach is to understand there are perception, value, response, etc. gaps between the generations and to understand they exist. We now consider purposely killing allied civilians as unthinkable to be avoided at all costs. In WW2 there were instances where that was ordered and implemented. Starving Chinese were clawing over barbed wire to get food from the supply dumps. Kill them all and dump their bodies in the villages to discourage a larger human wave. Yes, my Dad's dragons were a different shade of brutal and character than mine.
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MSG John Duchesneau
I would suggest this - have the Vietnam Vets who are willing to talk about their experiences both in the military and when they got home give a presentation to the younger Vets. Encourage the Vietnam Vets to talk about what worked and what didn't work for them in their readjustment after the war.
This will make the Vietnam Vets feel valued and will help the younger Vets appreciate how damn lucky they are. Few Americans under 40 appreciate how rough the Vietnam Vets had it when they got back.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
I enjoy my waits at the VA pharmacy as I find out they want to talk about their service to the country. Some of the veterans have guilt for not being in a war zone, but I put them to ease by saying it was not meant to be, and they were lucky.
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LTC Jason Mackay
LT Michael Watson I am a member of the Scottish American Military Society (SAMS). We have Vietnam, Cold Warriors, GWOT, and ODS Vets working side by side on service projects and preserving American and Scottish military culture. We are small but we are mighty. The more we talk, the more I realize we have the same types of experiences and more in common than we'd imagine. What makes it happen is we are focused on a common goal that we all agree is important, usually to benefits others (which sounds eerily familiar, serving others...).

Looking forward to our work at the Pikes Peak Celtic Fest 14-16Jun.
LT Michael Watson
LT Michael Watson
>1 y
As a member, and leader in the American Legion and the MOAA, I am finding a lot of common ground, but still the comm links seem to drop. I am a “ Cold War” guy who made it between both groups, and am finding my job is to guide both groups through the maze, though at different starting points. Forget about me, my course is set ( though I wonder yhd end point)., but need to set the course for each group.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
LT Michael Watson - where are you trying to guide them?

The core values and missions of the two groups are what you'll need to harness to get them on the same page.
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