Posted on Apr 27, 2018
SPC Infantryman
Prior enlisted in NG, degree in electrical and computer engineering with 2.8 GPA, no issues with prior enlistment (didn't even get any actions against me from army for the reckless driving)
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Responses: 9
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
As far as I recall; record got to be squeaky clean prior to the OCS Board. A friend of mine had couple speeding tickets and didn't get endorsed by his CoC. There are many factors considered in an OCS packet that only a recruiter can shed clear light on SPC (Join to see).
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
7 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - I was fairly sure that this was not regulations, so I checked. This is directly from 2016 MilPer requirements for OCS, which states, 7. WHO MAY NOT APPLY: IAW AR 350-51 (1-7). A. BE CONVICTED BY CIVIL OR MILITARY COURTS (DOES NOT APPLY TO MINOR TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS WITH A FINE OR FORFEITURE OF $250.00 OR LESS). HAVE BEEN JUDGED TO BE A JUVENILE OFFENDER, EVEN IF CONVICTION WAS REMOVED FROM COURT RECORDS (SEE AR 350-51 (1-5I)). WAIVERS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AR 350-51 (TABLE 1-1) (REFER TO DODI 1304.26). Within certain limits, the Commander can deny a recommendation for any number of reasons, but traffic violation in themselves are not a disqualification. The Reckless Operation, according to how the State issued handles them, would probably require a waiver. You and I both know that often depends on if they are meeting their enrollment goals or not.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
7 y
Great research CPT Lawrence Cable, so Commander denied for one reason and gave another. Not unusual for the time.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
7 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - I guess the Div Commander can put whatever standard he wants to OK an endorsement, but it certainly isn't a regulatory disqualification. And since I have that discharge paper on the wall, I will also mention that I think it was some petty and anal bs if he did disqualify him for speeding tickets.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
7 y
I guess the Div. Cdr chose to deny my friend OCS and, no matter the reason, a rejection is a rejection.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Ask a recruiter. Anyone here with similar circumstances might not want to share it on the WWW. It's worth a try, but going to the source will get you the best answer. All they can say is yes, no, or maybe.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Try for something lower on the totem pole of officers.
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