Posted on Aug 25, 2014
TSgt Contracting
I'm a very timid person (that's what I've been told at least). So just wondering if I'd get eaten alive? I'd imagine I would lose at least one rank and assume that there's no possible way I could get into the same career that I am in now (since I heard they only let E-6 and above into that career field). Thanks!

Basically I like my career field but I feel like the enlisted side gets held back.
Posted in these groups: United states army logo ArmyUsaf logo Air Force
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 11
CPT Company Commander
Edited 10 y ago
This would be a cautious situation. There are not many opportunities for prior service to join the army. Pretty much if you could even get in as anything I would be impressed. If they do take prior service they usually try to keep you in the same field. Not all prior service are allowed to retrain.

Why would you leave the AF to go into the Army?
TSgt Contracting
TSgt (Join to see)
10 y
CPT (Join to see) Makes sense Sir.

The good thing about officers in my career field is they normally move up to system level acquisitions (which is where the money is on the outside). For an enlisted person to get that luck, you'd have to know someone who knows someone or get super lucky. That's pretty much the only difference besides being groomed for leadership roles.
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
If you considering a transition I would look into the officer field. You may or may not have a degree but going to another branch as enlisted is pretty hard this times.
TSgt Contracting
TSgt (Join to see)
10 y
CPT (Join to see) Yes Sir, bad times for everyone.
MSgt Craig Washington
MSgt Craig Washington
>1 y
I'm not sure what your job is but if you still want to serve I heard the Australian military is looking for folks in particular career fields. They can maintain the same rank, plus I think the pay is better. Just another option.
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SSG V. Michelle Woods
I don't think you'd lose any rank however I have to say, the life of any SrA is guaranteed to be better than the life of dang near anyone in the Army. Haven't you seen the memes man?? Lol they're funny but there's a reason Air Force is always made fun of. Y'all have it so good!

As far as being timid, just come on over to my unit. I'll help ya out lol.
TSgt Contracting
TSgt (Join to see)
10 y
SSG V. Michelle Woods Thanks for not saying no!
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
10 y
Glad you noticed that TSgt (Join to see) lol ;)
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Sorry I didn't see any of the Star Wars. I thought going to war would be better. It turns out it was.
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
>1 y
44 years ago when I was taking such test,They wanted to see where I would" Place " My scores was that of being A Security Police,Or Fireman Specialist,They needed More Fire Protection Specialist where they commanded me to eventually go, And it was easier to just stay in My AFSC and Go places like Okinawa,Looking over the Pacific ocean,By passing Alaska,
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Capt Radar Navigator
If you feel like you're being held back as an enlisted member, you could see about getting into ROTC or OTS and commissioning. That would be my recommendation, above trying to switch services. I don't know a lot about the other services but I will say my observation has been that the suck goes around to everybody so if you're hurting in Blue, chances are your brothers in Green are feeling the same kind of hurt. Just my $0.02
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