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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Feb 19, 2016
Senator Ted Cruz
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Responses: 340
SSgt Eddy Duarte
How are you going to fix our abandoned and mistreated veteran problem? What efforts are being made to I'm prove the homeless veteran problem? Has it ever occurred that retirement for veterans is a joke and it must be raised? After 20 years of service I am a retired veteran and what we get for retirement ain't enough considering we are hurt and can't go work due to the amount of medications or disability we have. How will you fix all this? SSGT D.
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CPT Jim Denison
A young friend, a recently discharged Marine who served in Afghanistan, recently posted the following: "The va told me they put a shunt to drain the spinal fluid. but sorry that they dont have the resources to monitor me. infact dont use that kind or brand of implant. That it may be syphoning to much spinal fluid out of my head. they will not fix it or acquire the programer to simply adjust it. but come to the emergency room again to basically tell me the same thing even though they will not do anything. i dont know what to do anymore every second of every day i have a feeling of brain freeze that i cant put the pain into words. its a simple adjustment. I periodically pass out from this effect. i cant keep living like this." What can be done to help this young man?
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CPT Jim Denison
Edited >1 y ago
"So when I hear allegations of misconduct -- any misconduct -- whether it’s allegations of VA staff covering up long wait times or cooking the books, I will not stand for it. Not as Commander-in-Chief, but also not as an American. None of us should. So if these allegations prove to be true, it is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and I will not tolerate it -- period." ~Barrack Obama (May 2014)

What happened to the president's "commitment" and what will you do differently?

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James Mendenhall
The National Guard and Reserve will have more rotations as soldiers are withdrawn from Europe, how will you fix this unfortunate hardship on the Brave ?
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COL Ted Mc

To put an end to what is a silly controversy in any event, will you agree to the US government releasing copies of the "Application for Registration of an American Born Abroad" that your mother filed with the US Consulate when you were born as well as copies of the decision reached as a result of that application, and, if so, when?

If you aren't willing to release copies of those documents, exactly how do you propose to establish what - if any - citizenship you actually hold?
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SGT Seyla Uy
Edited >1 y ago
If you're a Soldier of any kind, you should be voting for Bernie Sanders. He has done more for Veterans than any other politician in the last 30 years. Unlike the other politicians on the right and left. Bernie knows that the cost of war isn't the billions of dollars it cost to wage it, but the the lives it cost to fight it. BERNIE SANDERS 2016!!!!
PO1 Kerry French
PO1 Kerry French
>1 y
name ONE thing he has done for the military?
SGT Seyla Uy
SGT Seyla Uy
>1 y
Bernie Sanders voted against the Iraq War, and believes that while military force is sometimes needed, it should always be the absolute last resort. Bernie’s commitment to stopping unnecessary bloodshed is matched by his commitment to taking care of our over 20 million military veterans and their families. He served as Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and received the 2015 Congressional Award from the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), who said: “It is no understatement to say that Bernie has truly taken care of wounded, ill, and injured veterans and their surviving family members." Oh I'm sorry, you said one thing.
SGT Seyla Uy
SGT Seyla Uy
>1 y
Texas senators vote against veterans’ benefits bill
By William T. Brown on February 28, 2014 at 4:05 PM


After a veterans’ benefits bill backed by Democrats failed to survive a filibuster in the Senate Thursday, Texas Sen. John Cornyn said he voted against the bill because it would have created more difficulties for veterans seeking help through the Veterans Administration.

The bill, introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), would have provided $12 billion in medical, educational and job-training benefits. It attracted 56 votes _ four short of the 60 votes it needed to advance.

Cornyn said, “Without question, after all our veterans and their families have sacrificed for this country, they deserve the very best in benefits and care.”

Cornyn said he believed the bill would increase the red tape veterans would have to go through for care and said he would vote for legislation which “instead of expanding the VA’s role in ways they have not asked for, [forces] the VA to focus on its existing obligations to improve service for our veterans.”

Texas Sen. Cruz also voted against the bill. A statement from Cruz’s office said, “While there were some positive measures in the bill — like establishing accountability for disability backlogs — it overall fails to address current problems with the VA, make existing problems even worse.”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said he was disappointed by the bill failing to defeat the filibuster but said “I’m committed to continuing the fight, and bringing back this historic measure.”

In response to those who said the bill was too large, Blumenthal said, “This bill was a big and broad measure because the needs of our veterans are urgent and diverse. I will seek to reverse this unconscionable defeat as soon as possible.”

Sanders echoed Blumenthal in a statement soon after the vote, and said, “we will keep talking to Republicans, I’m very proud we got all the Democrats and we will do what we can to get this bill passed.”
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Lt Col Doc Rodgers
Ted, Why not drop out and put your support behind Marco. When he wins you will have your choice of cabinet positions!
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SN Flex Officer
The question I would ask him is what he plans to do in regards to the programs cut from the VA. such as dental and etc. I would like to see our dental benefits returned.
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SFC Mario Rodriquez
I know all the candidates say one of their first priorities is to repeal "Obamacare" and I want to know if you are going to replace it or let all the people go without healthcare?
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TSgt Communication Navigation Craftsman
Since 2008 our military has been slowly weakened and torn apart and a sad number of Americans no longer support us.. As the next commander in chief how do you plan to bring it back to the military power that it once was and gian the full respect of the American people?
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