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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Aug 14, 2014
SSG V. Michelle Woods
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Responses: 197
PO1 Phil Audritsh
I witnessed a lot of discrimination, especially in the Marines, toward women. I also stood up for them, as I didn't feel it was right. I didn't see much sexual issues, mostly "you're a woman, you don't belong here" attitude. I was raised as you were. And at some point all people need to adapt and overcome...that is the same of both sexes.
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SGT James Hastings
As an old man I was brought the way you said: open doors for women, walk on the outside so they don't get splashed by cars, etc. It is still ingrained in my mind. I hope that people still bring their children up that way. Women are equal to men in many, many ways and I respect that they might want to be treated as equals: because they are in most situations. But, I still will defend one if someone attacked her: verbally or physically. Some things just don't change.
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SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
I was raised just like you were, treat women with respect and watch your mouth around them. However, I tried to hold the door open for female Soldiers but then I was yelled at because I was treating female Soldiers differently than male Soldiers. I don't want to be EO'ed, sorry your on your own now... Sadly I think the lack of respect for females in the Army (speaking from my experience only) is due to the over the top "we are equal" that now scares off male Soldiers from doing the right thing.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Im sure there are other times when you have done something nice for a male and it has bitten you in the butt. It doesn't mean you should stop doing nice things altogether right?

Please don't let a few incidents like that or the "over the top" politicians change the way you were brought up. Besides, if someone has a problem with you holding open the door for a woman, then they should have a problem with you holding the door open for a man because after all, manners are manners no matter who they're applied to.
SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Woods,

I would like to say that I was corrected when I have been doing nice things for Male Soldiers but I have not been. People who have issue with me (sic: us) the opening doors or carrying heavy items for Female Soldiers usually comes from Female Soldiers themselves.

However, I thought I did address this when I initially posted but I think the lack of Soldiers defending "their" females is less to do about the fact their females but the perception that the Army is less about us and more about me now because 1/2 the time we are watching our backs to see the knife. I remember a Army (wow I sound old) that if your buddy was getting his butt kicked you jumped into fight and as long as the First Sergeant did pick up a losers from the police station everything was fine'ish. I recall a PFC Curtis getting knocked out at Sports USA at Bragg for such an incident.
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SN Kevin Townsend
Edited >1 y ago
Male/Female doesn't matter. In the end, Marines are Marines no matter whats under their clothes and should stand up for each other.
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SSG V. Michelle Woods, this is also what I'm talking about. As an organization we continually demonstrate that we do not have the backs of our brothers and sisters. Through all of the branches we see cases that are not being handled correctly.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
I completely agree.
It's a slow and painful process but I think we're getting a little closer to getting it right.
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Rick Nyberg, settle down, we are in the same organization too. While statistically your point has merit, the fact it happens at all is unacceptable. Don't let your pride blind you from a real problem.
SSG Water Treatment Nco
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I have been in both branches. The best way to explain it is that the US Marine Corps is far smaller then the US Army. The more people the more opportunity for incidents. This doesn't mean that the US Marine Corps takes better care of its people then the US Army- it just means that there are less people to babysit all the time. Believe me- when I say baby sit- you wouldn't believe how much stupid shit I have seen grown men do over the years (yes that is in both branches) Point is- that Sexual abuse, harassment, ect- is becoming a very serious issue. We as the US Military in whole may never do away with this problem completely, but we can all do a better job trying to prevent it.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
One hears about the bad apples and that is good.  One does not hear enough about the good apples. And yes, many bad apples never see the light of day. The point is, those who do their duty usually get results--it sometimes takes real courage to do your duty and see it through until the end.  Pray for enlightened leadership.  They are there, just rarely concentrated in one command.  People who fail to live up to code would likely not do their duty in any organization.  So it's not a system that is bad; it's when a system is run by people with poor values and behaviors.  The history of the world is the history of one person, one system, one culture, exploiting another.  That is one reason nations have Armies.   
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SGT(P) Infantryman
Unfortunately I know what you are meaning and getting at with the fact that there is a large gap between the Marines and the Army on this topic. I hear it all to often that women shouldn't be in the military and you hear the horror stories of rape, sexual harassment and the CoC sweeps it under the rug. I'm glad and amazed that her fellow Marines came to her aid without hesitation. I hope the Army catches up with the Marines on this topic and we as Men start treating Women as we were taught to treat them, regardless if they are in uniform or not.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
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Cpl Brett Wagner
SSG V. Michelle Woods - This is truly a bitter sweet story. Bitter because of your experience, sweet because of that Marine's story. The army and Marine Corps are such different animals. When one Marine sees another Marine, say one is wearing a shirt, hat, in uniform or some other sign signifying they are a Marine we always great each other with "Semper Fi' in return the other Marine will respond with "Semper Fi" or "Ooh Rah" maybe some other grungy Marine expression. This happens no matter the age difference. I have given or received this greeting to/by other Marines decades younger and older than I. It is part of the brotherhood the espirt de corps that we are taught from day one. That is why we have the "Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund" (IMSFF) to take care of our own. My wife and I have worked charity events for IMSFF and I have been witness to IMSFF pay for a family to fly from the west coast to the east so they could be with their injured Marine during at a medical center. They have arranged places to stay, food, babysitting, even sending jackets and hats. One injured Marine missing a leg, a hand and multiple other wounds all over his body came back from Afghanistan and was at Walter Reed close to where we live. We helped put them in touch with IMSFF and went to visit him we brought him a small gift bag to try to lift his spirits. What we did not know was how motivated this Marine was and that he would end up lifting our spirits. He is one of the most amazing men I have ever met. Another was Sgt Merlin German I encourage you and everyone to read his story http://www.merlinsmiracles.com/ I have recently seen posts here on RP about soldiers hating the word Hooah which I just cannot understand. One soldier told how she was punished for using by being assigned to write a 5,000 word essay. That is the kind of punishment I had in elementary school. In the Marine Corps the word (sound) OohRah is revered, honorable, used to motivate. I cannot image a Marine ever saying he hated the word. Next time you need help call out "Marine help me" if we are in ear shot we will come running.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
10 y
This is just...awesome :)
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
SSG V. Michelle Woods, Thank you for taking the time to look at the page Michelle. Imagine being burned over 97% of your body. Then the first thing he wants to do is raise money for kids. I have a lot of Merlin and Issac stories fo another time.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSG V. Michelle Woods Thanks for the nice story and I am flummoxed by the person who down-voted and exactly the reason why but as far as I have seen, you are special and valuable to this board.

When I was 18, I was at Sheppard AFB, I was leaving out of the dorm one evening but just as I was going to leave some of the guys asked me to drink with them and have sex with a teen girl who was a civilian. I thought I heard her sobbing or something but just as happened at the processing center in the motel I did not go along with the guys. Regardless of it was consensual or not.

It is not me.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
10 y
I am not surprised you did the right thing :)
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
SSG V. Michelle Woods - Women always came to me in trust, like the 18 yr old who raped and pregnant. Different from the other times, I was in my mid'20s. We hung out like best friends and I will forever be blessed to have such by others. That story is a miracle and I am glad I have the trust and honesty with her.
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SSG Wrc Cadre
Okay, you as a leader have the chance to start the change of this. When you drop a pebble into a pond you then have affected everything that ripple comes in contact with. You have Soldiers, try the BOGGSAT (bunch of guys and girls sitting around talking) method. Tell your thoughts and listen to your Soldiers opinions. Don't be afraid to face the issue. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish. It's up to us to change the current culture.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
10 y
I love it, very well said SSG (Join to see).
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Very well said SSG (Join to see) !
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SGT Assistant Supply Nco
As a prior active duty Marine and now Active Duty Army National Guard Soldier and Instructor, I see no difference between a male or a female Soldier, Sailor, Marine, or Airman. We have all sworn an oath, we have all signed a contract, that contract requires us to conduct ourselves as professionals at all times!! That fact that certain individuals only proves that there are "individuals" among our ranks. Not everyone who graduate basic training deserves to be among us, that fact is sad and tragic, but we see the results of their actions on news channel 5 every day. We have to find a way to instill that pride, camaraderie, that ethos, into all applicants, or find a way to weed them out!!
SPC David Shaffer
SPC David Shaffer
>1 y
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