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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Oct 22, 2014
RallyPoint Team
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Responses: 249
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Yes. Transgendered creates a large set of health issues. Medical alone should disqualify.
SGT Jason Anderson
SGT Jason Anderson
>1 y
How does this issue affect your health issues? Expand.
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sgt Packy Flickinger
>1 y
Major surgery, drugs for hormone replacement and related side effects.
SFC Scott Parkhurst
SFC Scott Parkhurst
>1 y
Hum, Surgery is 5 to 7 days in the hospital for both gender's. Surgery for "other" types of the anatomy can be a lot longer stay...Light duty, approx. 5 weeks. Hum, sounds to me that there isn't all that much difference then any other surgery and PT and rehab. and med.'s and what ever else comes of "health issue's??" Hormones...I know A LOT of male soldier's that are on testosterone by the way...both shots and or jell...hum....I know A LOT of female soldier's on hormone's as well...hum...And side effects...Isn't there side effects in everyone's med.s? Come on, fair is fair...your prejudice is showing a tad .So your what health issues are you talking about? Or is this a Transgender issue SGT.?
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sgt Packy Flickinger
>1 y
The post asked for an opinion. I gave my opinion. I don't feel the need to defend or argue about it. If you want to know for sure, go to a MEPS and ask the exam doc there.
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PO3 John Jeter
Any discomfort or uneasiness I may or may not feel serving with a transgender person would arise not from what I perceive them to be, but from what they expect me to perceive them to be. I won't regard them as special or exempt. I would regard them as a team member. I would require them to carry their weight, cover my 6, and put up with the normal everyday give and take horseplay everyone else does. I would also require them to expect the same from me. No more, no less. If I don't care for their off-duty life, I have my own to live. 'nuff said says I.......*grin*
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CPO Rick Felty
Bullshit....then you have to make special berthing, special showers. Where Do they sleep? In the men's or the women's berthing ? Or shower ?i do not want a vagina taking a shower next to me in community showers, calling herself a man, or a manin a woman's shower showing off his wiener.  How,do you address them?    The military needs to buckle down and. Be the way it was in the 60x's and before. Tighten up discipline. Instead of  calling each other Bob and Sally Jim and Linda, it is Petty  Officer. Smith and Seaman Jones.  Sgt. Johnson and Private Jones.    Enough is enough, !
We need men and women Trustworthy, loyal,and willing to follow orders regardless of personal convictions. To go into battle and not do or try BUT....To do or die like it was in Vietnam. We do not need WHUSSIES, or the time to deal with them. If e are that
Ow in. Personnel then we need to institute a draft for all men and women, legal,or not and you WILL. Serve 4 years none of this 2 year crap and after basic you WILL MANDATORLY  go straight to S.E.R.E. SCHOOL  to learn how,to survive resist and escape then you will be assigned to a command. All services should do this. We need men and women not, WHUSSIES.  And the hell with being politically correct.  CONFORM, LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET THE HELL OUT,OF THE WAY !!!!L
SSG Trevor S.
SSG Trevor S.
>1 y
CPO Rick Felty I voted you down for deciding it was a good idea to start name calling. I'll give you something to think about. In my opinion, you are part of the basis for the negative stereotypes Veterans have to face in the workplace and other civilian venues these days. In a band of brothers, you are acting like Judas.
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
>1 y
Eighteen other allied countries have already figured this out to integrate transgender service members into the ranks, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Israel. Other nations have already have policies in place: we don't have to reinvent the wheel.
SFC Scott Parkhurst
SFC Scott Parkhurst
>1 y
GySgt., maybe CPO should step on one of your mines...Sorry a little harsh there but what a jerk! Totally naive. But does look like an old timer (can't feel with that picture though) and they can be set in their nasty ways if he is an older guy. But even most "older" Vet.'s are even with this transgender understanding now because most people get that it's a birth defect and are compassionate people out there such as yourself. Reading what he wrote only confirms to me that he is totally unsure of his own sexual issues. When someone writes like that, it is so clear that they have either had self doubt and or relations at one time or another with the same gender/sex....and is just lashing out to cover up. He is beyond ever understanding himself nor this issue. P.S., Thank you big time for serving! I've taken care of a few of your guys....Be safe.
SFC Scott Parkhurst
SFC Scott Parkhurst
>1 y
P.S., I'm NOT knocking anyone who is gay out there by the way. Of which by my comment of what I wrote above...What I meant was when someone writes hateful, spiteful things about someones gender and being so vulgar about it, is what made me write what I wrote. When someone knocks someone else's sexual practices...that's when I question their practices. That's all.
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2LT Infantry Officer
I believe everyone should have the right to serve our country however, I don't believe that homosexual, transgender or female integration into combat units should take place during a time of war. Any such incidents that would detract from the units cohesiveness due to the unacceptance of such personnel or the eminent devide between soldiers who accept or unaccept such personnel should be limited.
SPC Raymond Fee
SPC Raymond Fee
>1 y
I'm getting sooo tired of seeing all of the comments from this tranny right here.^ It's irritating to see it get bent out of shape and throw a fit every time someone says something that it doesn't agree with. One of the past comments it said that it feels sorry for the transgender service members living in silence. well listen here tranny, if they didn't want to have to live in silence then maybe they shouldn't have CHOSEN to join the military. It's not like the regulations banning transgendered soldiers were put into effect after you and other transgender service members joined. Those regulations have been in effect since long before. When you chose to sign that dotted line, in a sense you chose to quit tucking your dick between your legs for the duration of your service. so quit crying.
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
>1 y
SPC Raymond Fee, your comment is pitiful, embarrassing and very unprofessional. I cannot believe that you are a member of the U.S military... did you go through basic training? Several times you refer to me as "it" or "tranny"... do you think that bothers me? If that's the best possible come back you got, than I feel sorry for you.
SPC Raymond Fee
SPC Raymond Fee
>1 y
no. the fact that we have transgender service members is embarrassing. and yes I did go through basic training, I even did it without getting my panties in a wad. I refer to you as "it" or "tranny" because you surely aren't a man but you're not a woman either. and it obviously bothered you or else you wouldn't have responded the way you did.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
2LT (Verify To See) - Please define "during a time of war."

1950–53 – Korean War / 1955–64 – Vietnam / 1958 – Lebanon / 1959–75 – Vietnam War / 1962 – Thailand / 1962–75 – Laos / 1965 – Invasion of Dominican Republic / 1968 – Laos & Cambodia / 1970 – Cambodian Campaign / 1981 – El Salvador / 1981 – Libya / 1982–83 – Lebanon / 1983 – Grenada / 1983–89 – Honduras / 1986 – Libya / 1987 – Persian Gulf / 1987–88 – Persian Gulf: Operation Earnest Will / 1988 – Persian Gulf: Operation Praying Mantis / 1988 – Honduras: Operation Golden Pheasant / 1988 – Panama / 1989 – Panama / 1989 – Philippines / 1989–90 – Panama / 1991 – Iraq and Kuwait / 1992–2003 – Iraq / 1993–95 – Bosnia / 1994–95 – Haiti / 1995 – Bosnia / 1996 – Kuwait / 1996 – Bosnia / 1998 – Iraq / 1998 – Afghanistan and Sudan / 1999 – Serbia / 2001-present – War in Afghanistan / 2003–2011 – War in Iraq / 2003 – Georgia and Djibouti

Those might help you out, but then again they might confuse you.
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LCpl James Robertson
The Military Services need to explain what transgender is, to be truthful no one in High School, Military or College, ever explain who these people are, I see them but don't truly know who they are. In 1973 the USMC while deployed to the Phillippines, told us to stay clear of transgender people, that a marine woke up married to one and killed him. Question, do he use the female bathroom or the male, does he marry same sex or is they heterosexual. I can't say its unfair until I know enough about them. What I'm saying is when you they mother birth them, and the Doctor recorded on there birth certificate male or female, what changed from being a baby until and adult, in which there mother and Doctor pronounce there sex. I've always been a man I never get tired of being a man, anything else I would be living a lie.
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
I surely remember dont ask dont tell, because I had to do those chain teaching sessions!
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
Edited 3 y ago
I am so glad that they are out of the closet of our society!
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Edited >1 y ago
I always wonder if "they" who ever they are (Gay, Trans Gender, Trans Sexual, Trans whatever) are serving in silence where to people get these numbers from......15,500 seems like a pretty specific number for folks who are "in hiding".......this kind of reporting make me distrust the source as I figure they just took some random study study and then extrapolated the data against the raw number of military members and then presented it as "fact."
SGT Jose Perdelia-Torres
I could care less about the you and more about the version of U that is a Soldier. So hide your makeup, take out the zucchini and your stocking stuffers. You will wear the appropriate uniform of the day as just that, appropriately. You will serve with honor and distinction, in accordance with all FMs and TMs and you will do so while rendering the proper respect. I will be documenting your praise worthy attributes as well as your negative counselings. If I feel and demonstrate your failure, you will leave MY ARMY faster than you can say Thank you Wong Foo....
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