Posted on Feb 10, 2014
SrA Office Automation Assistant
I am interested in learning what types of challenges you have faced when job hunting as well as when doing resumes or interviews. As one who has transitioned and has been through many job hunts, job fairs and interviews, I have learned much in my experience and am yet still learning. Upon your response, I hope to offer information and assistance that may be useful to you.
Posted in these groups: Jon JobsCa2 Career Advice
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Responses: 11
SFC James Baber
I think the biggest challenge has been the false support given by most employers, while they profess to be veteran supporters and that they are military friendly, I think from experience and what friends and colleagues have told me that most are just saying it for the publicity of claiming it to appease the government push and reap the benefits from the government as well.
SrA Office Automation Assistant
SrA (Join to see)
>1 y

Interesting. I had never heard that before. You make sense and I can see how appealing a company can be to advertise their support to hire veterans as an enhancement to their appeal. Unfortunately, there are companies who do just that - public appeasement. However, I would like to argue that there are many other companies who are truly supportive in hiring veterans. You just need to yoke up with the right resources and departments that help aid in the hiring of veterans. One really good resource is:


There will always be the good and the bad. Yet, you must be sober, vigilant and discerning when considering making big changes in your life, including your career and the company you want to work for.‎

MSgt Michael Null
MSgt Michael Null
10 y
I can support James on this, Wal-Mart and Starbucks came out a few months ago with a promise to hire an impressive number of veterans. I crunched the numbers on Starbucks' statement and it looks like they promise to hire about one veteran per US location over the next five years. That doesn't look to me like they are expending any extra effort to employ veterans.
MSgt Michael Null
MSgt Michael Null
10 y
I have looked at a few job boards like hiring our heroes and show your stripes. Those are great for guys with just a few skills and less than a bachelor's degree who want to go into entry-level skilled or manual labor.
In my position as a retired Senior Noncommissioned officer with three foreign languages, a master's degree, electronic, computer, mechanical, human resources, analytic writing etc, hiring our heroes isn't the place to look.
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
10 y
I can also support this statement. I work with Homeless Vets to find them employment and both Lowe's and Home Depot have promised on the national level and at our local stores to hire Vets and I have yet to see one get a job at either.
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Sgt Arthur Went
I had to remind myself when I was working at my first civilian job and I would hear subordinates talking back to their managers that this is not the Marine Corps any more.
Sgt National Military Recruiting Program Manager
Sgt (Join to see)
10 y
Oh that one always killed me. Then I started to wonder how I would react if they did it to me... and what was "civilian" approved that would be military approved.
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SSgt Gregory Guina
Figuring out what I want to do when I grow up
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
10 y
Gotta love honesty.
SSgt Gregory Guina
SSgt Gregory Guina
10 y
Seriously. I have been a Marine for my whole adult life. I am working on a degree in technical management but really don't know what I am going to do with it when I retire next year.
Sgt National Military Recruiting Program Manager
Sgt (Join to see)
10 y
I love my job, where I work and what I do... but I have no idea where it will lead or what I want to do in 10 years. My biggest asset so far has been passion and knowledge. With those two, being an expert in "something" that is in demand and the passion to do it, can be unbeatable.
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