SFC Dave Beran

SFC Dave Beran

Dates of Service: no date specified
63% Complete
35 Contacts
Influence Score: 268,407
423 out of 864,245 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG
  • SFC

Recent Activity  -


Professional Driver for Crete Carrier Corporation. Have 17 years with this company. Have also driven for Sapp Brothers Transportation, Wynne Transportation and Flying J Transportation. 24 total years driving. Professional Driver for 25+ years. Also work with Company Safety Department. In charge of the Accident Review Board.

Military Experiences

Aug 1990 - Sep 1992
Senior NCO/Officer Instructor for MLRS FD
Responsible for training officers and senior NCOs for future assignments to MLRS Units. Trained in FD procedures.
Jun 1988 - Aug 1990
FDC Cheif for a Lance Missile Battery
Sep 1984 - May 1988
Fire Direction Chief Trainer
Responsible for training FD to newly formed MLRS Batteries/Battalions. Responsible for training of 3 Battalions and 5 Seperate Batteries.
Apr 1978 - Jun 1980
Team Chief
Team Chief


(11 years, 7 months)
May 1988 - Jun 1990
Crailshiem Barracks, Germany
Fire Direction Chief/Platoon SGT
Jun 1981 - May 1988
Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Dec 1977 - Mar 1979
Mangilsan AFB, ROK
Asst Site Chief/Unit Clerk
Jan 1974 - Jan 1975
South korea
South Korea
Assigned to 2ID

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 1987 - Jun 1987

MLRS/Lance FD Advanced NCO Course

Jun 1984 - Sep 1984

15J Multiple Launch Rocket/Lance Operations/ Fire Direction Specialist

Apr 1980

Personnel Effectiveness TrIning

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Sep 1990 - Oct 1990

Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees


Southeast Community College

Professional Driver
