61% Complete
0 Endorsements
10 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,463
27,028 out of 865,919 Veterans
27,028 out of 865,919 Veterans
Recent Activity -
An early pioneer in the emerging Industrial Internet, focus has been in developing innovative mobile infrastructure approaches to support dispersed, engineering-complex products and applying digital media solutions using a Network Centric infrastructure. A multidisciplinary innovator with a diverse background in emerging visualization and project applications, with 11 US patents awarded.
Military Experiences
Jun 2003 - Aug 2004
CDR USNR - Retired
USNR IRR Pending transfer to the reserve retired rolls.
Jan 1999 - Jun 2003
CDR C4/ISR Airborne Experimentation Coordinator
Early member of NWDC under Vice Admiral Cebrowski, veteran of several major Fleet Battle Experiments (Hotel, India) which tested early attempts of digital and social media in a major exercise warfighting setting. Propoesed and executed two new concepts that were both successful in the tests and later adapted for use in the fleet/combat operations.
May 1995 - Jan 1999
LCDR OPFOR Intell Officer, War Gaming
As one of only two 1315 Naval Aviators on staff, performed OPFOR Red Forces Air activities/commander for many major war gaming activities in the Office of Naval Intelligence Detachment.
Sep 1991 - May 1995
LT, Asst. Aviation Maintenance Officer
NR CV-67-0291 Assistant Aviation Officer for a reserve augmentation unit for the USS John F Kennedy. Oversaw reserve department of nearly 50 sailors of various aviation technical rates. Selected NAS South Weymouth JR Officer of the Year 1992.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Aug 1984 - Nov 1984
Aviation Officers Basic Course - Army
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 1989 - May 1989
HITU - Helicopter Instructor Training Unit transition - Navy
Jan 1985 - Nov 1985
Initial Entry Rotary Wing Course- Army
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2004 - 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Job/Skill Training, Exec Certificate- Innovation & Strategy