CPO Ricky Adams

CPO Ricky Adams

Dates of Service: Dec 1986 - Jan 2007
77% Complete
55 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,913
9,913 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR
  • SA
  • SN Dec 86
  • PO3 Sep 87
  • PO1 Jan 88
  • PO2 May 88
  • CPO Sep 01

Recent Activity  -


More than 20 years of management experience, extensive and diverse experience in sales, leadership, process, personal production and quality improvement, and budget management. Effectively able to communicate complicated concepts in an understandable manner, matching the message to the audience. Excellent qualifications in leadership and interpersonal communications. Experienced in supervision, training, motivation and evaluation of personnel. Skilled in finding problems and performing necessary change through project management or other methods.

Military Experiences

Sep 2004 - Jan 2007
NRD Los Angeles
Zone 6 Supervisor
• Served as Regional Recruiting Sales Manager Navy Recruiting Districts Los Angeles
Oct 1999 - Sep 2004
NRD San Diego
Zone 8 Supervisor
• Served as Regional Recruiting Sales Manager Navy Recruiting District San Diego. -RINC NRS Chula Vista
Oct 1996 - Sep 1999
NRD Atlanta
RINC for NRS Sumter and NRS Columbia

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees


Personal Information
