MSG James Bates

MSG James Bates

Dates of Service: Dec 1968 - Dec 1971
60% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,629
12,602 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Aug 68
  • PV2 Dec 68
  • PFC Apr 69
  • SPC Sep 69
  • SGT Apr 70
  • SSG Feb 91
  • SFC May 03
  • MSG Mar 05

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Nov 1982 - Apr 1987
63B Mechanic
I worked as a mechanic for wheeled vehicles.
May 1969 - Dec 1971
Section Leader
I worked as Section Leader for S-1 Leadership Personnel. BDE Commander,XO,CSM etc. It wasn't what I was trained for, but I worked for and met a lot people I would have never met in a Tank.


(1 year, 1 month)
Jun 2007 - Jun 2008
FOB Liberty, Iraq
NCOIC for S-4, 35th En BDE.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 1994

Basic Noncommissed Officer Course for Reserve Componets/ Combat Enigneer/ Bridge Crewman 12B/12C

Aug 1985

Primary Noncommissioned Officer Course for Combat Arms. MOARNG

Additional Specialization(s)


12Z: Combat Engineer Senior Sergeant

Security Clearance