Sgt Ray Moyher

Sgt Ray Moyher

Dates of Service: no date specified
25% Complete
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Influence Score: 102
222,058 out of 863,569 Veterans
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  • Pvt
  • PFC
  • LCpl
  • Cpl
  • Sgt

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Military Experiences

Jan 1982 - Jan 1984
Recon Platoon Sergeant
I was in Beirut Lebanon during the bombing of our Barracks October 23rd 1983 at the time of the bombing I was on a reconnaissance mission in the shooting range when I returned two the eagle's nest all I can remember is destruction and screaming after tagging and bagging my brothers in arms the Marines asked me to reenlist and I laughed in their face I thought we should have retaliated but instead Reagan ordered us to get on the ships and leave I still have resentments on how this was handled
Aug 1980 - Apr 1981
1 of 5000 Marines off coast of Iran during hostage situation. President Reagan gave Ayatollah 72 hours to release hostages or we were going in.I spent 12 hours in a mike boat in combat readiness 1 UNTIL THEY WERE FREED.


(4 years, 1 month)
Jan 1980 - Jan 1984
Kaneohe Hawaii
Westpac 80,81,82,83