CPO James "Keith" Sightler

CPO James "Keith" Sightler

Dates of Service: Apr 1989 - Apr 2013
74% Complete
0 Endorsements
13 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,369
13,396 out of 864,245 Veterans
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  • SR Apr 89
  • SA Apr 89
  • SN Apr 89
  • PO3 Jun 91
  • PO2 Jun 96
  • PO1 Jun 01
  • CPO 2005

Recent Activity  -


Over 24 years of exemplary leadership in training and staff development, project management and leadership. Adept at relaying complex technical information, establishing program direction, and implementing feasible action plans.

Military Experiences

Aug 2010 - Apr 2013
Supervised four military leaders in the training planning, evaluation, and the enhancement of technical operations. Project lead of navigation team development tasked with ensuring crew knowledge and operational procedure were observed and in compliance. • Conducted 20 training assignments among 10 crews and for over 50 personnel. • Assessed over five major navigation certification inspections. • Groomed four crews for successful congressional Board of Survey Inspections. • Quality Assurance for major retrofitting of ship. o Received commendation for saving the government $604,000.
Aug 2007 - Sep 2010
USS McClusky (FFG-41)
Navigation Supervisor
Developed and executed several key training projects to improve personnel readiness in the areas of mentorship and administration. Maintained detailed database information to evaluate performance and modified programs as warranted. Supervised four junior and eight senior personnel in all aspects of ship board navigation. • Supervised the planning and execution of three major long distant successful deployments. • Training coordinator provided guidance and management to five team training leaders. • Quality Assurance for three ships overhaul periods.
Sep 2006 - Sep 2007
USS Higgins (DDG-76)
Expertly guided the ships navigation team through rigorous unit training assessments. Managed maintenance requirements while training maintenance men for upkeep of mission critical equipment. • With dedicated training and tactical know how his navigation team passed assessment with an overall score of 98.8 percent.
Jul 2003 - Jun 2006
NRD San Diego
Canvassing Recruiter
Canvassed over a 100 square mile area encompassing seven high schools and three colleges for officer training program candidates and qualified enlisted personnel. Created informative multimedia presentations on Navy careers, benefits and educational programs. Attended career fairs, orchestrated informational assemblies and interviewed candidates for naval job opportunities. • Assisted prospects with understanding Navy career opportunities, compensation and educational benefits.


(2 years, 6 months)
Sep 2007 - Mar 2008
Counter Drug Operations
South Pacific Counter Drug opperations.
Jun 2006 - Dec 2006
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Conning and Junior Officer of the Deck watch stander while conducting operations in the Northern Arabian gulf.
Feb 1995 - Oct 1995
Persian/Arabian Gulf
BMU-1 Team Delta deployment aboard the USS Juneau (LPD-10)
Jun 1991 - Dec 1991
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Visual communicator, visual watch, and weapons support. Boarded suspect vessels for contraband aboard the USS McCandless FF-1084.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 2002 - May 2002

Jun 1987 - Oct 1988

San Diego Job Corps

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance

Personal Information

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