Amn William T Tierney

Amn William T Tierney

Dates of Service: May 1961 - May 1965
39% Complete
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Influence Score: 691
51,834 out of 862,803 Veterans
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I joined t he USAF in 5May 1961. Went to POL School in Amarillo Texas. From there I was assigned to the 576 Strategic Missile Squadron and was to do the fueling system on the Atlas missiles in the Squadron. I was there for 3 months and then sent to Chanute AFB for LN2, O2, and RP1. came out of there with a 5 level.Went back to VAFB for the duration of my enlistment 4 May 1965.

Military Experiences

May 1961 - May 1965
Liq. Fuel Sys. Maint. Tech
Ground support equipment to support the Atlas fuel systems and Later I was put on a Refurbish Crew to reload another missile.