SP5 Dennis Loberger

SP5 Dennis Loberger

Dates of Service: Sep 1972 - Sep 1974
105% Complete
132 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,437,546
112 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Sep 72
  • PV2 Jan 73
  • PFC Sep 73
  • SPC Dec 73
  • SP5 May 74

Recent Activity  -


Born at Chanute Air Force Base in Illinois, spent early years in Wisconsin. Have worked in retail drug industry since 1967, interrupted only by military service. Have worked in 23 states. Diane and I have moved 14 times. Have been my church's Treasurer. Have served as Post and County Commander in The American Legion. Served 8 years as Ozaukee County Sr Softball President. Currently serve as Finance Officer and on the Executive Board of The American Legion Peter Wollner Post 288, on The American Legion Ozaukee County Council and on the Board of Ozaukee County Sr Softball

Military Experiences

Sep 1972 - Jan 1973
Basic and AIT were taken at Leonard Wood. Left Ft Leonard Wood as a 71H on my way to Japan as a force fill.


(1 year, 9 months)
Jan 1973 - Sep 1974

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Nov 1989

University of Michigan

Started in Dec 1989

Western Michigan University

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1968 - 1972
