MSG Danny Mathers

MSG Danny Mathers

Dates of Service: Jan 1968 - May 1991
86% Complete
34 Contacts
Influence Score: 127,371
697 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SPC Jul 68
  • SGT Sep 69
  • SGT Mar 71
  • SPC Mar 75
  • SGT Nov 75
  • SSG Jun 76
  • SFC Mar 80
  • MSG Sep 83

Recent Activity  -


Dropped out of High School in Norfolk, Virginia and joined the US Army in January 1968, Went to Basic at Ft Gordon, and AIT at Fort Benning & Fort Polk, MOS 63C, SP-4, PCS to Vietnam and OJT as 11B in September 1968, awarded CIB, BSM & ARCOM and SGT in 1969. NCO Academy in 1970 and ETS in March 1971. Atteneded Chesapeake College and dropped out and went back into the army in May of 1974. Attended Basic a second time as a PV2 and was promoted to SSG 2 years later. Served 3 years in Germany and attended Selection in the fall of 1978 and was assigned to the Unit (CAG) in 1979 and retired in May 1991 as a MSG. Considered being a reserve officer but changed my mind because I would have to leave the Unit for a year or longer. Those courses were correspondence course thru Fort Benning, GA.

Military Experiences

Sep 1989 - May 1991
Research, Development, Testing & Evaluation of Off the Shelf weapons, electronics, and special purpose gear. Supervised testing of research items and maintained a data base of equipment evaluations. Reported RDT&E Status to the Commander and Squadrons Commanders and Sergeants Major. Provided the R&D Command Operating Budgets for approval as well as the Program of Management relating to future operational equipment and weapons.
Jan 1986 - Aug 1989
Master Sniper
Sniper Training NCOIC and TOC Operations. Responsible for training new sniper candidate and evaluating and testing of sniper proficiency. Selection was a continious process. Managed sniper teams during real world operations and well as training deployments.
Aug 1983 - Dec 1986
Sniper Team Leader
Team Leader and Assault Team Leader as required. The Sniper & Recce Troop specilized in air operation and reconnance.
Sep 1979 - Jul 1983
Sniper Team Member
Special Operations Operator assigned to the Sniper Troop.


(6 years)
Mar 1990
Jan 1989 - Apr 1989
LNO, Gulf of Sidra rescue mission of American Dependents immediately upon hostile actions.
Nov 1989
Strategic Reconnaissance.
Jan 1987 - Apr 1987

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 1977 - Jul 1977

Best Platoon Confidence Course, Bad Tolz

Jun 1975 - Oct 1975

Precommision Correspondence Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 1984 - Jul 1984

Ranger School 10-84

Aug 1978 - Sep 1978

1st SFOD-D Selection Course


May 1991

Legion of Merit

Feb 1977

8th Infantry Division Pathfinder Professionalism Badge

Sep 1969

Bronze Star Medal

Foreign Language Skills


Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1971 - 1973

Chesapeake College


Personal Information

elite forcesStock photo geopolitics word cloud shape concept 222513778 Geopolitics / International Relationsgulf warkoreansocial issuesvietnam warwars on terrorismWwii logo WWII World War Two