SP5 William Lemons

SP5 William Lemons

Dates of Service: Jun 1965 - May 1969
52% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 230
162,568 out of 863,662 Veterans
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Recent Activity  -


Married, two children, 2 grand children. Have been in law enforcement at city, county, state, and special assignments w/federal LE. 1972-2000 investigator with State Bureau of Investigation under the state Attorney General. 2003-2009 High Point Police Dept Crime Scene Supervisor. Hobbies are my family and reloading and shooting weapons

Military Experiences

Aug 1968 - Jun 1969
82nd ABN STB
Finance Specialist
Same as Phu Bai. Processed troops finance records for shipment to other areas.
Jun 1966 - Jul 1968
Finance Specialist
Same as in Phu Bai except helped guard money when it was brought into F&AO. At one time we were told it was 26 million in cash in the F&AO. Converted over from manuel pay vouchers to mechanized ones.
Dec 1965 - May 1966
Finance Specialist
Processed new people in with their finances. Prepared back pay, recouped advances or part pays. Set up monthly payrolls for companies, officers, and warrants. Insured all promotions, demotions, fines, speciality pay, deductions, and leave was posted to payroll.