SP6 Guy Slater

SP6 Guy Slater

Dates of Service: Jul 1968 - Nov 1986
66% Complete
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,618
9,007 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2 Sep 68
  • PFC Nov 68
  • SPC Sep 69
  • SGT Feb 70
  • SP6 Dec 76

Recent Activity  -


Medically retired against my will! Held MOS's 11B, 31M, 71L, 91E and 91C. Last is "Clinical Specialist and is a Licensed Vocational or Practical Nurse. Widowed in April 2018. Living outside the back ranges of Ft Campbell in Big Rock, TN. 4 dogs and a cat (who thinks she's a dog!)

Military Experiences

Oct 1982 - Nov 1986
NCOIC of the Emergency Department. Doing all that shit to save the lives of stupid soldiers and unlucky ones, pushy Dependant Wives who were wearing their husbands rank, and sick kids and kids with the sniffles who Dad told Mom to take to the ER along with all the other curtain climbers in the family so he could watch a taped delayed NFL game on AFN. Dealt with arrogant Medical Corps Officers, all of whom thought they ran the ER. And had some fantastic people working for and with me to take care of all that (and holding me back when necessary, to keep me from decking any of the obnoxious "customers" we had.)


(9 years, 1 month)
Apr 1982 - Nov 1986
NCOIC Emergency Department
May 1972 - Jun 1975
Signal duties, then Admin duties (BN PS NCO) and later, BN Reenlistment NCO (in 3 man office, NOT in charge), then Dental Tech duties
Jan 1971 - Feb 1971
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Jun 1969 - Jun 1970
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Infantry and Signal duties

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jul 1975 - May 1976

91C Clinical Specialist Course

Nov 1968 - Mar 1969

31M Radio Relay and Carrier Course

Sep 1968 - Nov 1968

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1974 - 1985

University of Maryland European Division

Associate Degree, Nursing

Personal Information

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