PO3 Bruce MacNeill

PO3 Bruce MacNeill

Dates of Service: Dec 1965 - Feb 1969
85% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,029
36,106 out of 863,665 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Dec 65
  • SA Feb 66
  • SN Mar 67
  • PO3 Apr 68

Recent Activity  -


After retiring to the Eastern Shore of Virginia I started playing guitar and singing the same stuff I was doing back in the '60s and found an audience, old people like me, who liked what I was doing. Actually got some gigs for a couple of years but a pinched nerve in my left elbow and later a herniated disk in my back have put all that on hold. I hear from "Fans" occasionally wondering when I'll be back but I don't know if that will happen.


(1 year, 2 months)
Oct 1968 - Jan 1969
CBU201 "Summer" deployment to McMurdo. Drafting work on the "New" quarters building and surveying work on the removable pier location out toward Scott's Hut. Got to leave the ice early late January to go back to Quonset and get out mid February after a, let's say, rock climbing adventure at "Castle Rock" which I guess is now a tourist attraction but we free climbed it.
Oct 1967 - Jul 1968
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Drafting, blue line machine maintenance MCB128, Camp Falkner, Da Nang East. Also M-60 Gun but never chambered a round even during 'Tet in '68. We were surrounded y Marines and I thank them very much.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1969 - 1971

Personal Information
