PO2 Chris Gardner

PO2 Chris Gardner

Dates of Service: Aug 1982 - Aug 1987
85% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 954
38,883 out of 864,904 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Aug 82
  • SA
  • SN Oct 82
  • PO3
  • PO2

Recent Activity  -


ACTDU 82-87, switched to USN civil service: from budget analyst for NAVAIR, to program manager for ASN RD&A office of the DACM, then moved to DOJ as program manager in Telecommunications, then as Deputy Director for IT at Office of Justice Programs. Left govt. service in 1999, raised a son and started PosiTek.net consumer tech. consulting service. Brain tumor removed 2013. Semi-retired now.

Military Experiences

Jun 1985 - Jun 1988
Flag Writer
Flag Officer Writer for Office of the Comptroller of the Navy

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 1984 - Jun 1984

NORIS Rangemaster Certification

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Dec 1984 - Apr 1985

Flag Writer School (YN C School, NTTC), NAS Meridian MS


Apr 1985

NEC 2514 (now NEC A15A)

Jun 1984


Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees