SGT Walter Franklin

SGT Walter Franklin

Dates of Service: no date specified
50% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 220
164,874 out of 863,568 Veterans
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  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT May 69

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9 month tour in Vietnam in I Corp with 101st Airborne (Airmobile) 1st of the 501st Infantry. Awarded Bronze Star with "V" Device and Purple Heart. Currently, retired from Los Angeles Fire Dept. 34 years and 4 months of service.

Military Experiences

Dec 1968 - Sep 1970
Squad Leader
Infantryman, 11B40, Squad Leader. 9 month tour in Vietnam in the I Corp. Some low land experience mostly highlands and Jungle. Was trained at Fort Ord and Fort Benning, Georgia. Attended Non-Commissioned Officers Candidate School, NCOC at Fort Benning. The unofficial nick name for that school was fondly referred to as Shake and Bake School. In my opinion, it was a good school and served me well.


(10 months)
Dec 1969 - Sep 1970
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Infantryman, Sergeant E-5, Squad Leader, 101st Airborne, (Airmobile). Worked Laotian/Vietnam border - Mostly patrolled in the infamous A Shau Valley.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

May 1969 - Sep 1969


Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Fire Science

Associate Degree

Personal Information
