SrA Ronald Moore

SrA Ronald Moore

Dates of Service: no date specified
81% Complete
54 Contacts
Influence Score: 574,412
243 out of 864,245 Veterans
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  • AB
  • Amn
  • A1C
  • SrA May 78
  • SrA May 78

Recent Activity  -


While everyone was coming home , and Vietnam was about to be enacted by Congress to end, I was heading out, to State Side first, Then on to Kadena ,AB.I was fortunate enough to be the Only Fire Chief at Naha AB for also the Makimanato Housing Area.While the 11th Grade -Draft Card , no# And the next Year in a High School 1/2 day of classes And WorkStudy, And Various visits by Military Recruiters

Military Experiences

Ended in Aug 1978
Non- Commissioned Officer Orientation Course
Ended in Aug 1976
Basic MilitaryTraining
Lackland AFB,Texas
Ended in Oct 1975
Fire Protection Specialist Course
317 Hours Training
Fire Crew Chief
1 Year,6 Months ,11 Days


I year , 6 Months , 11 Days Okinawa,Often Times Line Standby on the strategic Air Command Side of the Base, And MAC Side of the Base

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 1975 - Oct 1975

Chaute AFB Fire Protection Trng

Jun 1975 - Aug 1975

3704 Basic Military Training Squadron



AF Longevity Service Award

Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2012 - 2013

Tennessee College of Technology

Welding Fabrication
