Recent Activity -
Military side: Started '85: USMC PFC and MP on AD. Ended in '19: USAFR CMSgt with Security Forces.
Civilian side: City Cop for 6. USMS since '98. Moved up to the position of Senior Inspector, and am now Chief Inspector in Oakland, covering investigations in CA, NV, HI, GU and Saipan. Love my job.
Military Experiences
Jan 2017 - Jan 2019
Security Forces Manager
Traveled from PFC to Sgt with USMC
PO2 with USNR
SSgt-CMSgt with the Air Force, where I retired in 2019 (woohoo) as the Chief aka the SFM with the 349th Security Forces at Travis AFB.
(2 years, 4 months)Jul 2010 - Feb 2011
Oct 2001 - May 2003
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - US
Moved those nasty little buggers out of Afghanistan to a more suitable home in Gitmo.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Personal Information