SGT Paul Giannone

SGT Paul Giannone

Dates of Service: no date specified
34% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 70
245,059 out of 863,665 Veterans
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  • PVT
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  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Oct 1968 - May 1971
Public Health Advisor
Positions were based in Quang Nam and Thua Thien Provinces, Vietnam. Attached duty with USAID and used Food for Peace projects for the construction of three clinics. Advised Vietnamese Public Health Services on areas of need for rural health care delivery and medical out reach. Developed and improved communications and supply systems between district and provincial health services. Coordinated activities between allied military medical programs. Assisted in emergency medical evacuations, emergency assistance to isolated rural populations and refugee camps


Numerous Civilian Deployments
Rwanda 5/20/1995 EOP Development Bangladesh 1/24/1997 Sphere Training Angola 4/15/1997 Landmine Training South Africa 5/27/1997 Landmine Training Kenya 6/8/1997 Sphere Training Sierra Leone 9/3/1997 Emmergency Feeding Operation Kenya 10/24/1997 Coordination Meetings Uganda 11/11/1997 EOP Development Kenya 11/15/1997 Coordination Meetings Thailand 2/25/1998 Coordination Meetings Cambodia 3/11/1998 FDR Training Kenya 9/30/1998 FDR Training Guinea 11/3/1998 Refugee response Kenya 12/9/1998 Coordination Meetings Tanzania 3/15/1999 EOP Development Kenya 4/11/1999 Coordination Meetings Tanzania 11/3/1999 EOP Development Kenya 3/2/2000 Coordination Meetings Burundi 3/7/2000 Refugee Assessment & Conf South Africa 3/18/2000 FDR Training India - Orissa 5/7/2000 Emergency Response Evaluation India- Gujarat 5/21/2001 Emergency Response Evaluation Pakistan 9/28/2001 Refugee response Thailand 2/2/2002 Coordination Meetings Vietnam 3/5/2002 Personal VisitFlorida 1 /22/2007 ADEPT Planning Virginia 1/31/2007 Microsoft Meeting Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand 2/1/2007 ADEPT Planning Kingdom of Brunei 4/2/2007 Emergency Management training Hawaii 6/15/2007 Pacific Conference Bangkok, Thailand 8/22/2007 ADEPT Planning Phnom Penh, Cambodia 9/1/2007 ADEPT Planning Hanoi, Vietnam 10/25/2007 ADEPT Planning Seam Reap, Cambodia 11/3/2007 ADEPT Planning

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Dec 2005

FEMA Incident Command Training ICS 200; 700, 800

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1975 - 1976

University of Michigan

Master's Degree, Population and Family Planning
