CPL Ruben Peters

CPL Ruben Peters

Dates of Service: no date specified
40% Complete
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,130
33,025 out of 863,508 Veterans
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  • PVT
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  • CPL Dec 44
  • CPL Dec 44

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jan 1943 - Nov 1949
Motorcycle Messenger
I was given a waiver for WWII draft but I wanted to serve so I enlisted, I was a motorcycle messenger carrying messages to the front lines, I was one of the soldiers that found 1 of the 3 concentration camps and freed the prisoners women, men and children, I will never forget the smell of burning flesh that was from the piles of burnt bodies. I came across a farmhouse and barn, tired and hungry riding for 2days i take cover in the barn I took my motorcycle covered it with hay and before I knew it a young man with a rifle took a shot at me I fired back and hit him just then I heard a scream it was the mother she had her daughter about 7 next to her with a gun to the girls head I said no I won't hurt you, she pulled the trigger and then shot herself, thats what haunts me every night.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools


Carlisle Military police school

Foreign Language Skills


French, German, Greek, Chinese (5/3+)


French, German, Greek, Spanish (5/4+)
