SrA Ronald Moore

SrA Ronald Moore

Dates of Service: no date specified
95% Complete
18 Contacts
Influence Score: 153,647
618 out of 864,245 Veterans
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  • SrA
  • SrA Oct 78

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The Draft Was how I entered The Air Force, I was in the 11th Grade and Had, to enter the D.E.P : Delay Enlistment Plan ,Once then ,Troubled by $100,000 scam,I focused on work after 65,and sing in the Choir,Troubled ,Hey,I am not a beginner on Rally Point ,I changed phones and The new one was said to not have the old App, so ,I got list somewhere with your proctor,I am like the tol 100 of 850,000

Military Experiences

Jun 1978 - Dec 1979
Fire Chef(American Presence in the Makimanato Area)
18 th Civil Engineering Support Squadron , ,Line Stand-by, Training, Vehicle maint,Crew Chef, responsible for all American Paperwork,and assist Local Nationals on ,Naha,but also assist them with Fire Emergency calls,and inspecting Makimanato Housing area,Duties took me to MAC,SAC, Structural side's of Kadena Air Base
Aug 1975 - Aug 1978
Fire Protection Specialist
Fire Protection Specialist, 57130,And TrainingBase


(1 year, 7 months)
Jun 1978 - Dec 1979
Kadena Air Base
I , Wish I never got out of the AirForce,My last duty Station was Between, Wadena Air Base,Naha Air Base,and Makimanato Housing Area

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 1975 - Aug 1975

Air Force Academy Trng: Non Comissioned Officer

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jul 1975 - Oct 1975

Fire Protection Specialist Course



Basic Military Trng

Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2012 - 2013

Nashville College of Applied Technology

Associate Degree, VA Welding Fabrication Certificate

Personal Information

2000px christian cross.svg Christianitygetting out of debtretiring some year and traveling around the world and living a year in each placesupervhero and dv-dschoir singing