Recent Activity -
I served on Active Duty in the Army for 5 years, graduating as a 21B Combat Engineer from Ft Leonard Wood MO in Nov 03, was stationed at Ft Riley Kansas until my medical separation in Feb 08. I did a tour in Iraq, and was an Honor Graduate from the Warrior Leaders Course at Ft Hood Tx.
I earned a B.S. in Applied Physics form the University of Idaho, and am a Range Systems Engineer at NASA DFRC
*Basic Signals and Modulation
*Miscrosoft Sharepoint 2010
*See more Qualifications and Skills here:
Military Experiences
Sep 2007 - Feb 2008
S6 Communications NCOIC
* Maintained computer and communications equipment
* provided support for networks (SIPR & NIPR)
* Kept accountability for all electronic devices in Battalion
Sep 2007 - Feb 2008
Squad Leader (S-1 NCOIC)
* Acted as Battalion S-1
* Managed contact and list for injured Soldiers at medical facilities
* Handled all leave requests, awards memos, and day to day personnel activities
Oct 2004 - Sep 2006
Operations Clerk
* Create training schedules
* Maintain personal files and information
* Schedule for lands, ammo, and training
* Create memos for CO and 1SG
Dec 2003 - Oct 2004
* Served as a Combat Engineer Team member
* 249 Gunner
* Deployed it Iraq in support of OIF
* 50 Cal gunner
* Combat Life Saver
(6 months)Apr 2004 - Sep 2004

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
* Perform Cordon and Search
* Search and dig up buried weapons caches
* Set up and man traffic control points
* Perform route clearance, including finding and destruction of IED's
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees