CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)

CPO (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
88% Complete
6 Endorsements
36 Contacts
Influence Score: 282,587
7 out of 51,232 E-7s
About Discussions


  • SR Apr 04
  • SA Jun 04
  • SN Nov 04
  • PO3 Sep 06
  • PO2 Sep 07
  • CPO Oct 22


Goals are simple, help my junior people realize they can be better than they think they are. To help others by being an example. Some days I succeed some days I fail, but I always get back up and try again. I have worked with the Army and Corps in Africa, I have worked with the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force in England, I have worked with everyone in Germany. World is 75% water and I'm a Sailor