SGT Timothy Rocheleau

SGT Timothy Rocheleau

Dates of Service: no date specified
53% Complete
21 Contacts
Influence Score: 18,533
3,247 out of 864,245 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Dec 87
  • PV2 May 88
  • PFC Dec 88
  • SPC 1989
  • SGT Apr 93

Recent Activity  -


8 years active. Put out on MEB at 100% or I'd still be there. Joined Dec 1987 left January 1995. Used my GI Bill and became an RN. Now I own my own businesses.(4). I credit the military for turning me around from a punk to a successful person, in the Army, as an RN and now as a business owner. Don't let anything stop you from driving on, shit rolls down hill, so be the mountain peak!!

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Started in 2013

Concord Law School

Juris Doctrate.
