LCpl Greg Elliott

LCpl Greg Elliott

Dates of Service: no date specified
65% Complete
0 Endorsements
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,087
34,239 out of 863,670 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PFC Oct 04
  • LCpl May 05
  • LCpl May 05

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After being discharged from the Marine Corps I was down and depressed and pretty much had given up on life. After a few months I started working for Walmart to pass the time. I decided that wasn't good enough and started trying to apply myself; so I started seeking treatment for my mental health issues and started looking for something better, something that I could work with service members and veterans again. About a year after I was discharged, I obtained employment from the VA Medical Center in Huntington, WV. I struggled for the first few years as I was still readjusting to civilian life. I continued with my mental health treatment which helped, along with my family and some fellow Marines, give me the support I needed to continue applying myself to do and be the best employee and person that I could be. This has lead me to be the person I am today and it has allowed me to assist numerous veterans, everyone from WWII veterans to present Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, with getting the benefits they deserve. I hope to be able to continue my service to my fellow Brother and Sister veterans as I have done for the past several years.

Military Experiences

Jan 2006 - Feb 2007
H&S Co
Combat Engineer
After being injured in Iraq and was able to return to my unit I was placed with Headquarters & Support Company. Due to my injuries sustained I was unable to return to full duty with a deployable unit so I was given the option to join the wounded warrior barracks or stay with my unit, which I elected to stay with my unit as the company clerk. As the company clerk, I worked directly for the H&S Company 1st Sgt as we had a high turn over rate for the company Gunny position. While working as the company clerk I adapted to the position and made it a great duty assignment. As I had never worked a desk job, and never intended too, I was unfamiliar with that type of work as I had been a manual labor person my entire life until that point. My 1st Sgt taught me the ropes and roles and assisted in getting me enrolled in MCI'S and courses to better understand my duties such as proper and official letter writing and other administrative courses. This helped greatly to lead me to where I am today. I was medically discharged about a year later as my injuries sustained would not allow me to return to full duty.
Mar 2005 - Dec 2005
C Co
Combat Engineer
I was with 2nd CEB C Co. who I trained with in breaching techniques and cache sweeping while preparing for deployment to Iraq in July 2005. While serving in Iraq I was injured, October 2005, and was medievacted out of country.
Jan 2005 - Feb 2005
I attended Marine Corps Combat Engineer School at Court House Bay, Camp Lejeune. There I learned, along with my fellow Marines, basic Engineering techniques. We learned things about concrete construction, wood frame construction, fortification techniques, and demolition techniques.
Aug 2004 - Oct 2004
I was a recruit on the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island for Marine basic training.


(4 months)
Jul 2005 - Oct 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I served in Iraq with C Co. 2nd CEB attached to 2/2 Warlords. We were assigned to Camp Fallujha in Iraq with an AO around the city of Fallujha up to the NSA in Iraq. Of course we would go where we were needed or told to go. I was injured on October 3, 2005 and had to be medi-evacted out of Iraq along with one other Marine from my unit.

Military Credentials

Foreign Language Skills


German (2/2+)

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2011 - 2016

Marshall University, Higher Education

Bachelor's Degree, Psychology

Personal Information
