LCDR Chaplain Corps Officer

LCDR (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
80% Complete
6 Endorsements
70 Contacts
Influence Score: 22,543
94 out of 15,414 O-4s
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  • PFC Sep 89
  • SPC Jun 90
  • SGT May 93
  • 2LT Apr 01
  • LTJG Feb 02
  • LT Jul 03
  • LCDR Jul 10
Commissioning Source:  Direct Commission, Feb 2002


Providing & Facilitating at all levels for the spiritual, religious, moral, and personal well-being of the members of the Department of the Navy, which includes the U.S. Navy and the United States Marine Corps, as well as the Department of Homeland Security sister sea service, the U.S. Coast Guard. Advising the Commander on all matters of morality, morale, ethics & religion. Caring for all.